went for a walk up the kawekas late roar, seen a few animals, including this stag I roared out, anyone come across many like this? I would have taken him out of the breeding pool if there wasnt abigger stag in the area that I was after
went for a walk up the kawekas late roar, seen a few animals, including this stag I roared out, anyone come across many like this? I would have taken him out of the breeding pool if there wasnt abigger stag in the area that I was after
Seen Stags with all sorts of antlers, including none or just coronet bumps
Whacked these two around 500yrds with the 338
Follow the trail
Last edited by 7mmsaum; 23-08-2016 at 07:18 PM.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Seen one taken out of the Kaimai's big bodied animal apparently the venison taste wasn't anything to write home about either.
Think I saw a red this year. Thought it was a hind and as it ran off it had a very extra big neck. Has it not dropped it's antlers??
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I saw one this year with a couple of other deer. Seems that there are a few around but not that common
Mate has got 2 out of the ahimanawas
Got a photo somewhere I'll try to find,
Went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.
About 20 years ago fella we were with in Gorge Stream roared one in. Real big bodied jap stag, came in a long way right to us from on top of a set of bluffs. Got it on video here somewhere (piss poor footage compared to these days)