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Thread: Hunter Shooting

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Get to get this shooting at movement shit identified in people before they get a fal if they intend to hunt.how I wouldn't know but it might help.

    bloody shit phone
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  2. #17
    ebf is offline
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    Toby, the training I am talking bout is not "how to hunt", it is "how not to mistake a person for a deer" - training people to consciously slow down, run through a mental checklist before even putting their finger inside the trigger guard etc. maybe showing video of interviews with family and friends of hunters who have been killed to show the impact. Interviews with guys who pulled the trigger and killed someone else, telling how it has impacted their lives. ANYTHING to get guys to stop and think for the one or two seconds that will make a difference between life and death for another person in the bush.
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  3. #18
    Member Matt2308's Avatar
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    Coming from a country where stags and hinds/bucks and does have different seasons (UK), I've always been in the habit of identifying what sex a deer is before I even consider raising the rifle, which I can tell you is a damn good way of getting a positive ID!
    I'm not suggesting seasons for different sex deer here, but the right kind of education and a clear plan of what you intend to and not to shoot before a hunt is always a good start.
    New hunters on this forum are lucky that there is a wealth of readily available information and some very good buggers that are willing to give that information freely and often offer their time too!
    The average punter who buys a gun and heads into the bush with no knowledge, having done no research and having little or no experience must be far more likely to be involved in or cause an "accident".
    This guy should have known better and someone paid the ultimate price because of his stupidity, he surely deserved more than he got, if only for the victims families sake!
    puku, Munsey and PERRISCICABA like this.

  4. #19
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Reading elsewhere that there is a possibility that he helped the police put someone in jail several years ago for the same thing
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  5. #20
    res is offline
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    I'm disappointed with this sentence.
    While I agree that extra penalty to this individual would likely make no change to his likely hood of reoffending in a like manner I fell that I much stronger message could have been sent to the hunting public. And the victims family would have felt better as well. It's not like the shooter was a crim who will use the time in jail to be a better crim-it would be actual punishment.

    Wet bus ticket IMHO
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  6. #21
    Member Dangerous Dan's Avatar
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    He has been given a sentence that for no man would ever want and a great many choose not to live with ...
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  7. #22
    res is offline
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    Are you really implying that a significant number choose killing themselves over a short term of having to stay at home??
    If they do,(and I have no idea of the stats) then home detention is a cruel and unusual punishment-more call in my mind to put them in jail where help can be given and the family's don't have to pick up the tab (the rest if us can do that)
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  8. #23
    Member Dynastar27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsey View Post
    Don't need one to go hunting if ya mate has !
    Mind you I hope this prick struggles to find a mate
    i agree Munsey I don't think any one would be dumb enough to take him out

    If in doubt double tap

  9. #24
    Member Dynastar27's Avatar
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    guys im pretty new to deer stalking and it is a rush but I seem to keep my self calm why cant others its not hard.

    how do you mistake a human wearing a high vis top and acting like a human that's what I cant get my head around

    also makes me thing was he hunting with his finger on the trigger who knows

    If in doubt double tap

  10. #25
    Member Dangerous Dan's Avatar
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    I apologize, my understanding is a small % of people involved in similar situations have off'd themselves.

    In general I don't believe the prospect of doing time is a deterrent wide array of crimes. In the heat of the moment, possibility in this instance of "buck fever" and other crimes of passion it wouldn't made a difference what the term is. The "crime" will be committed regardless. We will continue to see hunters killed every year. This instance and the previous involving the ex. president of Wellington DA highlight this, no? To me, these to instances only enforce that fact - Even the "best" are not immune to buck fever.

    If you put Wayne behind bars for 21 years, do you think this would reduce the number of hunters killed? I'm of the opinion; no.

    Increase hunter training, maybe. But, I think it is unlikely. I think we sadly just accept people will die and continue to do so. I'd like to think I have a solution, I just don't think there is one.
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  11. #26
    Member Dynastar27's Avatar
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    that's very true we all know the risks when we step in to the bush any thing could happen
    be it good or bad

    so why do we do it ..... Because we enjoy it

    If in doubt double tap

  12. #27
    res is offline
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    Dangerous Dan, you have no need to apologise!
    I think as a society we have to show the family of the victim that there death is valued unless there is a greater good to be served-and in this case I don't see that-the chance of reoffending is probably the same with or without jail so let's value the family's lose fairly.
    Hunter training may help prevent a repeat,but what's the point of attaching this to firearms licensing? Most shooters I know don't hunt,they are target shooters,who don't seem to shoot each other
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  13. #28
    Member Dynastar27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    Dangerous Dan, you have no need to apologise!
    I think as a society we have to show the family of the victim that there death is valued unless there is a greater good to be served-and in this case I don't see that-the chance of reoffending is probably the same with or without jail so let's value the family's lose fairly.
    Hunter training may help prevent a repeat,but what's the point of attaching this to firearms licensing? Most shooters I know don't hunt,they are target shooters,who don't seem to shoot each other
    @res @Toby @Dangerous Dan well mayby they need to do what the they do with the E cat and ask why you want/need a fal if hunting is the reason then put them though a hunter training course

    but then are they going to tell the truth on there application

    If in doubt double tap

  14. #29
    res is offline
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    There are worse ideas,I don't see any other ways of working out how who needs what training.
    But what about those who change what they do over time?
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  15. #30
    Member Dynastar27's Avatar
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    that's very true

    If in doubt double tap



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