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Thread: Hunter shot in Kaimai Range near Te Aroha

  1. #76
    Join Date
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    Marlborough - Pelorus Sound
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    Question what does a Police dog do.... mate I will hit your fifty and raise you 5 ;-)
    You sure do not sound 60+
    Police dogs are not normally used in Bush for hunting - but again you missing my point
    Lets leave it at "just be careful with dog in populated hunting areas - even a Black or Yellow Lab"

  2. #77
    Full of shit Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
    Ryan, there's a post on here mentioning Wayne Edgerton, the Southland guy who shot another hunter in the Longwoods. I would have put Wayne into your team of 100% sure team, he went to extra lengths to promote hunter safety and identification in his region, even to the point of placing posters about identifying your target on public access-ways to hunting areas. Maybe you should try & contact this fellow and ask him some questions on how he made the mistake, when he had the same single minded viewpoint as your own.
    I can guarantee that person had some internal turmoil going on due to the person he knew he was portraying himself to be, and the person he really knew he was.
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  3. #78
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarvo View Post
    You sure do not sound 60+
    Police dogs are not normally used in Bush for hunting - but again you missing my point
    Lets leave it at "just be careful with dog in populated hunting areas - even a Black or Yellow Lab"
    SAR, Cadaver, Drug dog .... careful is my middle name experience is the key out there doing it at least once a week minimum

  4. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by GWH View Post
    And maybe that's the answer right there. Make it illegal to shoot anything but an antlered deer between mid of March to middle of may (or whatever). A bit like the tag system in the US. But only applies to the rut period here.

    It could make people more consious of what it is that they are shooting at.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
    Non antlered deer will still get shot as people aren't IDing their target properly its actually illegal to shoot people anyway but that ain't working
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  5. #80
    GWH is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    Non antlered deer will still get shot as people aren't IDing their target properly its actually illegal to shoot people anyway but that ain't working
    Very true

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    its actually illegal to shoot people anyway but that ain't working
    Lol good call.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    Question what does a Police dog do.... mate I will hit your fifty and raise you 5 ;-)
    Ugh wrong quote... I have been tracked/indicated in the Bush by a weimaraner once

  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    Dont get all upset yet. It may not be a case of Identifying the target, it could be an accidental discharge which is breaking a very different rule...or even inflicted upon the shooter by themselves if that is the case.....Either way, IT SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!
    You could be correct. Stuff say that the police are assisting the coroner, so that might indicate that a second or third party were not involved.

  9. #84
    Member sometimes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GWH View Post
    After my own personal close encounter a few roars ago, I personally believe the blaze orange is almost the worst colour you could wear.

    I will never wear it after what I saw, and I strongly advise my hunting mates against wearing it.
    A huge amount of new zealand men are colour blind so orange looks brown
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  10. #85
    GWH is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    You could be correct. Stuff say that the police are assisting the coroner, so that might indicate that a second or third party were not involved.
    Ive heard to the contrary, that he was indeed shot by a member of his own hunting party

  11. #86
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    Its a bloody tragedy nonetheless. Personally, I have avoided hunting over Easter for 20 years now. I have known of four associates / friends killed in the roar, and another seriously injured. People are fallible.
    Ask any soldier who has fought within range of yankee field guns or bombers.
    Dublin and rewa like this.

  12. #87
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    That's way off what Ryan is getting at and you know it. That's what he is advocating.
    I may have misunderstood, as apparently others have too. But I'm sure he can speak for himself.
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  13. #88
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    I may have misunderstood, but I'm sure he can speak for himself.
    Go have a beer and a wank then have another read bro

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  14. #89
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    I'm also never going to have a car crash because I'm a perfect drive

    If you think you are perfect (will never make a mistake identifying target) I feel you have the highest chance of making a mistake as you will likely be more complacent.

    It's proved time and time again that's it's experienced hunters that shoot people, much like it's often experienced/over confident drivers that kill people etc
    @Ryan_Songhurst nothing against you as you obviously feel strongly about the subject but your comments about being perfect sends shivers up me after reading/hearing horror stories from members of the other forum that have sworn they will never make a mistake and then have in fact shot and killed people.

    Just remember it's a high chance the person or people involved are part of this community...

  15. #90
    Full of shit Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    I'm also never going to have a car crash because I'm a perfect drive

    If you think you are perfect (will never make a mistake identifying target) I feel you have the highest chance of making a mistake as you will likely be more complacent.

    It's proved time and time again that's it's experienced hunters that shoot people, much like it's often experienced/over confident drivers that kill people etc
    @Ryan_Songhurst nothing against you as you obviously feel strongly about the subject but your comments about being perfect sends shivers up me after reading/hearing horror stories from members of the other forum that have sworn they will never make a mistake and then have in fact shot and killed people.

    Just remember it's a high chance the person or people involved are part of this community...
    Can you show me where I said I am perfect please? I said I'm not going to shoot anyone, nothing about being perfect? Bit of a difference between having a genuine accident in a vehicle and poking a bullet into someone.
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