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    19 38.78%
  • I do but am careful about the animals I take, checking them carefully before eating them.

    7 14.29%
  • I'm not bothered at all

    6 12.24%
  • Depends on which pesticides and if they have been ground laid or aerial dropped

    18 36.73%
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    1 2.04%
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Thread: Hunting in areas where pesticides have been layed

  1. #16
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Of cause kawekakid could well be scaremongering to keep the good hunting to himself in a 1080 area lol. Last 1080 block i went into in DOC had been done 12 weeks before. Within 2 hours i saw 7 deer in 3 lots(all running lol) and plenty of sign of deer and pigs. Clearly it was a handy spot that had no hunting pressure because of the 1080 and was the most sign ive seen in there. Interesting never been heavy in animal numbers but the 1080 certainly didnt knock the deer over as was the most sign and deer ive seen in the place> Got one the next week thou and it is a high rainfall area so i suspect it prob had heavy rain not long after the drop or had deer repellant in the 1080 as it normally take me 3 trips in there to see just one deer .(if im lucky lol)

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Riverhead, Auckland
    Hey Guys,
    I have just been watching some stuff on You tube today about the 1080 Drops. Watch for yourselves and make up yr own minds check out the video called Poisoning Paradise. its a compelling video.

    Poisoning Paradise - Ecocide New Zealand - Festival Version - YouTube

    What is a bit of a worry is they keep referring to science that they cant produce, and are also un willing to check into long term effects.
    I believe the video may be 6 years old all ready, but still its scary to see knowing they are going to drop 21 million bucks worth for the Beech Mast event. They were also going to use it in the water catchment areas of Hunia in Auckland (We all know a few less Jaffas wouldn't be a bad thing, probably result in more monger's or tards to be born in south and east aucks than usual)
    I was looking for info because we where considering going on to town supply in Riverhead. I think we will stay on tank and live with the pollen dust and bird poo.

    What would be interesting after the mast event is to see what happens to areas that haven't been hammered with 1080.
    southernredneck likes this.

  3. #18
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    These guys and girls all forgot how dangerous 1080 can be.

  4. #19
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Been lucky here so far. Apart from the councils dropping other poisons in trapping areas!!
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
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    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Been lucky here so far. Apart from the councils dropping other poisons in trapping areas!!
    Then it will be your turn next year Dundee. It must be the Ruahine's turn to have a mast year don't you think?????

    I can remember the first ever drop around my mates farm. He was told by DOC that they had this wonderful poison call 1080 and they would drop it around the boundaries of his farm and it would cure the pest problem. He believed them and gave his permission.

    They sold the idea to him as the one stop drop that will kill all the pests. As he says now "Imagine my surprise just when a few birds started to get established when DOC turned up again with, We have this one stop drop".

    "No way did I sign up to 1080 drops every 3 years or when DOC could come up with an excuse for a drop that they think the public will swallow" and he's bloody sure about that.

  6. #21
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Phillip your poll is discriminating against me. I can't vote.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Phillip your poll is discriminating against me. I can't vote.
    Sorry mate, no over 80's, too senile
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  8. #23
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillipgr View Post
    Sorry mate, no over 80's, too senile
    You will keep.
    phillipgr likes this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  9. #24
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillipgr View Post
    Sorry mate, no over 80's, too senile
    And his opinion means diddly
    Rusky likes this.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    It is known that 1080 pellets will still be dropping out of the canopy after a month.
    1080 is consumed by animals such as possum in far greater quantities than the normal lethal dose because it does not kill immediately, like cyanide. 1/5th of a .15% ww pellet has emough 1080poison in it to kill 5 possums. 3 baits will kill a large stag, or a man. A possum may consume several pellets, (say 4) BEFORE FEELING ANY EFFECTS. In reality, the possum has eaten enough to kill 20 possums and he is now a toxic time bomb for pig or eel or koura of weka. Generally the exclusion period as per the danger notices , after a drop is about 6 months, NOT 6 weeks and a dog can die from eating a possum bone more than a year later. Bait stations WITH 1080 OR BRODIFACOUM OR CHOLI ARE EVEN WORSE, BECAUSE THE RELEASE OF POISONED CARCASSES IS NEVER ENDING. Be aware also that DoC and AHB are experimenting with several other very nasty poisons and are requesting resource consents to drop the stuff into lakes and rivers.
    You can always be assured of one thing and that is, that the persons who make money out of dropping, consenting, manufacturing, transporting, TB testing, spin doctoring etc for the poison users are all going to support it and all going to bullshit the public into believing the poison is great stuff. History has proven over millennia that greedy, self serving and fanatical bastards and bureaucrats all use the same propaganda tactics. Nothing in human nature will change.
    veitnamcam and deadidick like this.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Attachment 30558

    I have two other letters from Midwives in the same vein.

    I am not so worried about lethal doses of 1080. I wont be around to worry about it. I worry about the sublethal doses of this toxin that can strike down through the generations yet unborn ...Just as agent Orange has. The damage done to this generation of children fathered by these poor soldiers is a blot on this nations history.

    We cannot pretend we were not responsible, as Agent Orange was produced in the Ivan Watkins facility in Paratutu New Plymouth and shipped to Vietnam by our own Government. The on going health problems of the people of Paratutu can be read to this day.

    America (and they should know) have issued severe warnings about the toxin 1080 and strict guidelines as to its use ...It is labelled a Pan..Bad Actor toxin. It is responsible for reproductive effects in animals and it is believed to be dangerous to the unborn child in parts per trillion let alone at parts per billion as it is measured in NZ water supplies .

    New Zealand has chosen to ignore the science produced by other Countries and the World Health Organization who state that 1080 must never enter the system used for drinking water, in fact it should not even be in washing water. Yet our Government Agencies claim that 1080 has never been found in any drinking water supplies and yet a look through the science show that roughly four% of our rivers and streams are found to contain 1080 after a drop. Some of these far higher than the allowable limits. So its a bit of a lottery whether you get a dose of it or not.

    These rivers streams that the toxin has been found in are all some ones water supplies. There is a raft of information to show that some rivers and streams have over the years had such high concentrations of 1080 that stock have died from drinking directly from these streams.

    If you visit a hut after a 1080 drop have a look in the guttering and the water tank usually they contain quite a high concentration of baits. Have a look at the rats floating in the tank and see their huge swollen, hairless bellies stained green and purple from the dye leaching through the waterlogged and transparent skins. Lever off a bit of the inside lining of the hut and have a look at how many baits stored there by rats. Have a look in the silver lining of the hut ceiling and see how many baits are stored there and as they turn to dust when a sunbeam pierces the room watch how that dust drifts down and settles on the hut benches.

    So having been a Pre and Post poison monitor for many of the largest drops in New Zealand's history and seen these things with my own eyes, I know now that much of what we are told is false and that nature and science abhor the toxin 1080. I have no wish to enter any more 1080ed forests I prefer to remember them the way they were before we became a poisoned nation.
    veitnamcam and Pengy like this.

  12. #27
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    Belongs to the above article. I have the other letters as well.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Riverhead, Auckland
    I have been horrified by what I have been reading and seeing on media. Listening to people affected by 1080 and guys who are in the bush all the time and see the effects after drops. It disturbs me how arrogant DOC are and their behaviour of not only ignoring science, and first hand accounts from experienced people, but they also have a bad culture of denial (1080 science, Cave Creek- examples) What is of concern is they intend to push on with mass drops with out organising some balances and checks to see if 1080 is what they claim.
    I think its time to kick some of the fuck wits who are running DOC out and get some fresh blood in there. I have pulled out all the stops and even gone and joined the "Ban 1080 Party" for a fiver.

    Ban 1080 - The political party to ban the use of 1080 in NZ

  14. #29
    Member southernredneck's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    Yep I voted for the ban 1080 party this election they've been dropping the shit like crazy down here



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