Hi guys, I'm looking at heading to the Coromandel for a little bit, does anyone care to share any tips on which blocks to take a peek at or have any suggestions? I am a novice, so go easy! Thanks in advance.
Hi guys, I'm looking at heading to the Coromandel for a little bit, does anyone care to share any tips on which blocks to take a peek at or have any suggestions? I am a novice, so go easy! Thanks in advance.
What are you wanting to hunt? No deer up here and very few if any goats. That leaves pigs and bunnys really.
Yeah, plenty of seaweed up this way mate. I assume thats what you mean![]()
Square1, IMO there's easier places to hunt really.
Both animal numbers, terrain and regen bush/scrub.
Watch the property boundaires, as there has been more than a few pig dogs shot over the years by rabid greenies who are anti hunting and would love to accuse you of armed trespass.
I took my rifle one year, but took a look at the manuka covered hills and thought 'stuff that' and went to the old man's place at Pauanui instead for the entire holiday.
Welcome to Sako club.
Sorry that may have been a little ambiguous, I was referring to goats as an easier quarry than deer I suppose, like I said, I'm a novice
Thanks for the heads up re the boundary, I will be careful to not let my brother wander.
Kimjon will have the latest on goat numbers, but from what I have seen and heard, they are thin on the ground since the DOC cull
Thanks to the sweet sweet advice kimjon gave me, I stayed away from the Coromandel and got my first goat with the Ruger! Pretty happy, and thanks again dude!
You mean to tell us that KJ actually left one for you
Nice work mate. Country looks familiar
He was kind enough to leave a few actually! I'm not one to take advantage though, I left the rest there for him.
Nice work, and congradulations for putting in yhe effort to make it a sucessful hunt.