yea its a bit far from where I wanna be
I have trip booked end of march 2014 just before the roar for 4 days for my brothers Stag do (he doesn't know yet). Going with deep cove charters- think that is the Seafinn boat and just in doubtful sound. Costing around the $1700 mark per head for 12 of us includes food but not booze. I think we were quite lucky to get a booking for that time- might pay to check availability early, the roar booked in advance for couple years... Will let you know how we get on!
They will be roaring end of march
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
They were this year.
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
this is the handy info, get in on a roar hunt and have an awesome week in the sounds
im looking at a trip in november, looks like a boat based trip will cost a bit much, so heli in to a hut
costs are looking to be roughly 1200 in travel, flights, bus and heli.
now to find someone who wont drive me nuts living in a cabin with for 7-10 days
no thanks mate, itl will be mostlikely someone that I allready know
forget having my trip ruined by an annoying other person. nothing agaist the person you mentioned
Im planning at the moment to drop off anything I shoot at the local butcher to get made into salami, them post/courer it home.
anyone had experiance with this?
No but i sent Angus a vac packed frozen muscle from hind quarter.
The courier took from 6 am Thursday till Monday or Tuesday to deliver even tho i was assured it would be at his house on Fri morning.
It was still fine and still cold but i had wrapped it in shit loads of newspaper to insulate it.
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Billy I have been on the Takapu some years back and depending on your budget he can offer some awesome shit!
I have been told that he now offers the option to have a r22 or r44 on the boat that drops you off in the tops in the morning and you call him up on the hand held when you arrive down at the water to collect you (same or next day. He has been doing it for years. The boat is not what I would call 5 star accommodation but its Fiordland..... who cares!
The way we got there was by being dropped off at called Hauroko got a Pre arranged "water taxi" to the far end and helicoptered over to Dusky sound and landed on the roof of the boat.
If you do go we want a full report!!!!!!
Yep, I did the Takapu trip a few years ago, and it was an awesome trip. Most of the guys were into fishing, so hunting time was limited. Not sure if Mark (Ballbag) is still skipper, but he is a "no frills" guy who can get you into some neat places. Same as twoshot - some flew direct from Tuatapere, and rest of the group went up lake Hauroko, then chopper to Chalky Inlet. Takapu cruised Chalky and Preservation. Fishing and diving was amazing. Cost was nil (Boss paid!!) Shit I miss that job.
Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion
You can count on that mate,
My budget won't stretch as far as a the daily heli ride. Maybe just the one drop off and pick up