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Thread: Hunting or fishing under level 4

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Looks quite straight forward to me - no hunting while in level 4...on DOC land.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Ask the question a different way.... Do you want to be the one in the media story about a hunter that gets injured during lockdown???? We (even if online advice says you can). I personally won't be hunting till level three even on private land.

    What happened to the guy from Canterbury that was caught driving back from hunting in the last lockdown?
    Pixie Z, ROKTOY and Jhon like this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    We are naturally a species of hunters and gatherers.
    We have gone hunting, fishing and gathering for tens of thousands of years.
    Our ancestors relied on themselves and did not need or expect to be rescued if something went wrong.

    Most of us are still the same. We take responsibility for ourselves, if we are men.

    Hunting and gathering is "customary" for every member of our species. It is in all of our genes regardless of "ethnic" differences.

    This idea that we cannot do what we want to because it might possibly expose someone else to any potential danger is WOKE NONESENSE and we should say so.

    IMO, the proper definition of "woke" is "loser" and this "woke" culture turns everything to shit.

    The "woke" losers have taken control of the political parties and our government because the rest of us allowed them to.
    These people are omnipotent moral busybodies who feel entitled to tell everyone else what to do "for their own good".

    The "woke" do not want anyone to hunt, shoot, fish or do anything else they disapprove of and are using their political participation and power to force the rest of us to obey them.

    Isn't it time we told them to mind their own business and leave the rest of us alone so we can do the same?

    The only way to do this is for more and more of the normal people to join, participate in and take control of the political parties so that we have representatives of the real people instead of the "woke" losers.

  4. #19
    Bos is offline
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    May 2017
    Isn't it all about risk taking and involving others if and when stupid decisions are made
    So at level 3 I see driving 30 mins to my hunting spot and hunting on foot, along with whitebaiting, as legitimate activities so thats what Ill be doing.
    Trout likes this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    I just applied for and got a Pureora permit. As in five minutes ago. Valid from today until 24 December. Can't see anything stating covid conditions.
    Many of us have current permits too, not just you. But if you apply for a new permit while in level 4 - read the bit below about Covid 19 - restrictions just below where you click to apply on their site. Your just re interpreting how you want to understand it. At the end of the day on the DOC website for hunting - continues to say in plain english - no hunting in level 4...on DOC land of course.
    Hewie and JessicaChen like this.

  6. #21
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Perhaps a few polite E mails to Doc asking for some clarification about exorcising Customary Rites of fishing and Food gathering on public land could be in order
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by 223nut View Post
    What happened to the guy from Canterbury that was caught driving back from hunting in the last lockdown?
    I'm pretty sure nothing, iirc a court found that at the time the government restrictions were not legal. They had to pass some new laws to make them legal.
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  8. #23
    Purveyor of Fine Cutlery terryf's Avatar
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    Clearly the cops haven't got the memo yet!

    Custom knife dealer

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  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    The rules are established for the whole population so there is a line in the sand. But that line in the sand is drawn because the vaste majority of the population are living in towns and their close surroundings and that if the government is too permissive, you d have half or more the large towns hunters/ fisherman/ surfers...( outdoor recreation enthusiasts) leaving the place and breaking the rules.
    It is evident that if you live in a rural place with a property large enough to give you the possibilities of hunting or fishing ,your risks of spreading covid are nill and your chances of getting hurt out there are no different than in normal times.so if you are one of those lucky ones who can shoot a fallow in its back yard ,cast a line in the stream crossing your property or surf cast from your private batch, go for it. I m envious but not jealous and would not blame you for doing so.

  10. #25
    Member bunji's Avatar
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    South Island - Gods Own Country
    Sport at Alert Level 4

    At Alert Level 4, you can exercise in your local area on your own, or with people in your household bubble.

    Stick to simple outdoor exercise, and avoid activities where you can get injured or lost. For example, DO NOT GO swimming, surfing, boating, HUNTING or tramping. It is important emergency services remain available to support the response to COVID-19. 



    You can hunt on both private and public conservation land. Stay within your region and stick to your bubble. Do not go on an overnight hunting trip. You can only hunt on foot — using quad bikes, off-road bikes, helicopters and other motorised vehicles is not allowed.

    If you are out hunting, you still need to follow the local regulations.

    Last edited by bunji; 25-08-2021 at 03:01 PM.
    Micky Duck likes this.
    "Fair Winds and Following Seas" - Capt Ron You Glorious Bastard.

    "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " President Ronald Reagan

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Godzone, South Island
    As the law stands, anybody is allowed to gather food as a customary right. It is not a right granted depending on race.
    Moa Hunter and Hahn like this.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    It goes deeper at L4 though doesn't it.
    Rather than look for (silly) loopholes we should simply do what we can to keep our ourselves and others safe. Anything outside of that parameter is selfish.

    Sounds woke? I don't give a shit.
    outdoorlad, Lentil, Hewie and 2 others like this.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    That’s why there should be a blanket no fishing and hunting rule. The Govt are the ones that have created the loop hole.
    Yeah, although I don't actually think the so called loop holes exist. Or at least they don't until they are tested, and who would want to do that (rhetoric question - some drop-kick would)?
    Im just suggesting that we use our common sense. Hell, Ive got very limited hunting life left and this L4 is doing my head in - but here I am sitting at home 'cos I think its the best thing to do for myself and others.
    on2it, Hewie, Pixie Z and 1 others like this.

  14. #29
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Rolleston, Canterbury
    The Level 4 legislation DO NOT say you cannot go hunting. They say you can't hunt from a motorised vehicle and you can't expose yourself to danger or may require search and rescue services

    From the actual legislation

    Limited recreation purposes

    to undertake exercise or other recreation if—
    it is done in an outdoor place appropriate for that kind of exercise or recreation that is readily accessible (including by using their vehicle) from their home or place of residence; and
    it is done in compliance with the requirements that relate to physical distancing (see clause 17) and the prohibition against gathering in outdoor places (see clause 21); and
    it does not involve swimming, surfing, scuba-diving, water-based activities involving boating, sailing boats, motorised craft, or motorised equipment, hunting in motorised vehicles, tramping, or flying manned aircraft; and
    it does not involve any other activities that expose the participant to danger or may require search and rescue services:
    Husky1600 likes this.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    The Level 4 legislation DO NOT say you cannot go hunting. They say you can't hunt from a motorised vehicle and you can't expose yourself to danger or may require search and rescue services

    From the actual legislation

    Limited recreation purposes

    to undertake exercise or other recreation if—
    it is done in an outdoor place appropriate for that kind of exercise or recreation that is readily accessible (including by using their vehicle) from their home or place of residence; and
    it is done in compliance with the requirements that relate to physical distancing (see clause 17) and the prohibition against gathering in outdoor places (see clause 21); and
    it does not involve swimming, surfing, scuba-diving, water-based activities involving boating, sailing boats, motorised craft, or motorised equipment, hunting in motorised vehicles, tramping, or flying manned aircraft; and
    it does not involve any other activities that expose the participant to danger or may require search and rescue services:
    Yes, I can imagine in very limited circumstances (and giving regard to the above) where access to private land is virtually at your back door you might get away with it.
    (iv) might catch you out?



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