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Thread: Hunting or fishing under level 4

  1. #61
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    They’re white baiting in Whakatane? Police not showing interest?
    Whitebaiters in Mokau were told to go home by the police

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    The 'Naki
    Hell they're stopping folk at the Harbour Bridge and if they don't have "valid reason" they're turning them around and sending them back, some with a bit of educating, some with infringement notices.

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigar View Post
    Whitebaiters in Mokau were told to go home by the police
    Well the police not singing from the same hymn sheet is not new, probably wearing patches in Whaka!
    Danny likes this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  4. #64
    MB is offline
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    Having slept on this and considering the wording on legislation.govt.nz, I don't think there is any practical difference in the law as it applies to Maori and non-Maori (we're all lawyers now in addition to being vaccinologists!). I suspect the instructions on other government websites (e.g. covid19.govt.nz) are what they would like us to do rather than what is law. Whether the police and Karens know this is another matter.
    Boaraxa likes this.

  5. #65
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Well the police not singing from the same hymn sheet is not new, probably wearing patches in Whaka!
    Mmm, I’m afraid mate all that crowd are doing atm are beating up their mrs’s - I know.

    This other bunch are riding around like it’s a Sunday afternoon zooming past walkers (us peasants) towards Whaka and then returning an hour later.
    I forget the stats but they are right up there as far as accidents are concerned- but hunting? Don’t start that again…
    I work with a couple of big banana bike riders and cocks the lot of them

    I was led to believe it was 5kms from home?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dan M

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Has anyone ever wondered what these permits are really about?

    Why do we citizens have to have permission from some of our employees (government noddies) to access public (our) resources on public (our) land?

    What possible benefit do tax payers receive in return for paying for the issuing of these permits?

    The public land is NOT DOC LAND as they like too pretend. It does not belong to "the crown" either. It belongs to all of us and all of us should be entitled to use it.

    Why do we comply with and pay for so much bureaucratic bullying and nonsense that we did not ask for or derive any real benefit or value from?

    I do not see any benefit in return for having to apply for a permit to go for a walk on public land looking for animals that our employees in DOC call pest and are trying to eradicate with poisons.

    These pieces of paper we are forced to apply for, print and carry with us do nothing for us, so why should we agree?

    We only agree because we are fearful of being punished by some government employee or other whose wages we are also forced to pay for.

    We all know perfectly well that our safety and that of others who might be in the same area is our own responsibility and that none of the bureaucrats who sit in flash offices spending our money do anything useful to help us.

    Our entire government system became corrupted by the "user pays" scam, which was really about making us pay twice. Once by taxes on our incomes to fund more burdensome bureaucracy and then again for access to use what we have already paid for to increase the size and power of the same burdensome bureaucracies.

    Business is transactions between WILLING BUYERS and WILLING SELLERS.

    The "business" that these government enterprises are in is called EXTORTION (forcing people to pay for what they do not want and are NOT WILLING to pay for.)

    We need to face the truth that we are all being ripped off and bullied by arrogant and incompetent "employees" who provide li9ttle or no benefit in return for what we are forced to pay.
    Ronin007 likes this.

  7. #67
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delta Variant View Post
    Has anyone ever wondered what these permits are really about?

    Why do we citizens have to have permission from some of our employees (government noddies) to access public (our) resources on public (our) land?

    What possible benefit do tax payers receive in return for paying for the issuing of these permits?

    The public land is NOT DOC LAND as they like too pretend. It does not belong to "the crown" either. It belongs to all of us and all of us should be entitled to use it.

    Why do we comply with and pay for so much bureaucratic bullying and nonsense that we did not ask for or derive any real benefit or value from?

    I do not see any benefit in return for having to apply for a permit to go for a walk on public land looking for animals that our employees in DOC call pest and are trying to eradicate with poisons.

    These pieces of paper we are forced to apply for, print and carry with us do nothing for us, so why should we agree?

    We only agree because we are fearful of being punished by some government employee or other whose wages we are also forced to pay for.

    We all know perfectly well that our safety and that of others who might be in the same area is our own responsibility and that none of the bureaucrats who sit in flash offices spending our money do anything useful to help us.

    Our entire government system became corrupted by the "user pays" scam, which was really about making us pay twice. Once by taxes on our incomes to fund more burdensome bureaucracy and then again for access to use what we have already paid for to increase the size and power of the same burdensome bureaucracies.

    Business is transactions between WILLING BUYERS and WILLING SELLERS.

    The "business" that these government enterprises are in is called EXTORTION (forcing people to pay for what they do not want and are NOT WILLING to pay for.)

    We need to face the truth that we are all being ripped off and bullied by arrogant and incompetent "employees" who provide li9ttle or no benefit in return for what we are forced to pay.
    Got any good hunting stories or pics mate. Or are you just on here to stir shit?
    Hewie and Phil_H like this.

  8. #68
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Basically giving everyone at home the middle finger.
    Is that what is considered customary food gathering? With tracking collars.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhon View Post
    Hell they're stopping folk at the Harbour Bridge and if they don't have "valid reason" they're turning them around and sending them back, some with a bit of educating, some with infringement notices.
    I cross the Bridge twice a day and have not been stopped ?. I was waved through a check point once on the on ramp to the bridge last level 4 .

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    This fella isn’t too concerned about L4 lockdown rules

    At least he's handily provide the powers that be his rego number
    stug, 6x47, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by XR500 View Post
    At least he's handily provide the powers that be his rego number
    No one as been game enough to give him a serve in the comments
    Micky Duck likes this.

  12. #72
    Member HILLBILLYHUNTERS's Avatar
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  13. #73
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    This fella isn’t too concerned about L4 lockdown rules

    Of course not.........Level four lock downs don't apply to him and I'm not being facetious or sarcastic, but basing my statement on
    1...His voice.
    2...His skin colour.
    3...His protest music background.

    All of which lead me to believe that he is part Maori and Maori are exempt by Government from the law forbidding every other RACE of New Zealander from hunting and or fishing during this Covid lockdowns.

    They have a special, strange exemption for ‘Māori customary’ fishing and food gathering. The Government is clear that Non Maori can’t fish or hunt under Alert Level 4. Too dangerous but obviously the viruses respect Maori customary rights and will not infect Maori.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    It becomes very much how you perceive your own interpretation.
    Always a way to turn it around to ones own advantage.
    Should you choose to go hunting there ate jist a few rules to follow so as to not pit others at risk
    Injuries/ medial events -do the right think and shoot yourself.
    If yoi are caight by the feds you automatically loose your firearms licence for 5 years and are subject to a fine and forfeited said firearms.
    Go on do it please
    Tararuas hunter likes this.

  15. #75
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    It clearly says ‘Maori customary rights’.
    I Knew My great Aunty Hinemoa would come in handy some day
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste



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