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Thread: Hunting or fishing under level 4

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    So no one has stated what is a an acceptable time or distance to drive from home for exercise 10 mins, 20 mins, 5km ??? Or have I missed it
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  2. #2
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    @Moa Hunter
    No clear definition, neither distance or time, they’ve written it that way so they can try a Police you how they see fit.

    Guys please read the act here (hope link works) section e & f should be of most interest but I urge you to read it all.


    Be aware the current govt got their bums smacked in court by enforcing laws last lockdown that weren’t finalised, they didn’t care, they pay out with our tax money after all. They then hurried through what they could latter last year, they snuck it through with short notice right under our noses.
    What’s become clear is Labour love directing Covid questions to any of their 3 main pages, heck that’s all they advertise www.covid19.govt
    ,here’s where they spin the actual legislation to suit their agenda. The legislation itself is very loose in definition and taken at face value anyone could pick big holes in it.

    Cheers Cliff
    Moa Hunter, MB and RV1 like this.

  3. #3
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    Hell they're stopping folk at the Harbour Bridge and if they don't have "valid reason" they're turning them around and sending them back, some with a bit of educating, some with infringement notices.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhon View Post
    Hell they're stopping folk at the Harbour Bridge and if they don't have "valid reason" they're turning them around and sending them back, some with a bit of educating, some with infringement notices.
    I cross the Bridge twice a day and have not been stopped ?. I was waved through a check point once on the on ramp to the bridge last level 4 .

  5. #5
    MB is offline
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    Having slept on this and considering the wording on legislation.govt.nz, I don't think there is any practical difference in the law as it applies to Maori and non-Maori (we're all lawyers now in addition to being vaccinologists!). I suspect the instructions on other government websites (e.g. covid19.govt.nz) are what they would like us to do rather than what is law. Whether the police and Karens know this is another matter.
    Boaraxa likes this.

  6. #6
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Basically giving everyone at home the middle finger.
    Is that what is considered customary food gathering? With tracking collars.

  7. #7
    Member HILLBILLYHUNTERS's Avatar
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    veitnamcam likes this.

  9. #9
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    At last someone that can actually read the legislation

    "However, Senior Sergeant Kyle Davie, who is in charge of monitoring lockdown in Taranaki, said the legislation allowed it and therefore officers were letting whitebaiters and surf casters carry on, if they were in their neighbourhood. .. He said police originally thought the activity was “black and white” a big “no" to start with, but officers had since received word from the commissioner that gave them instruction. .. “There was confusion for us as well. The Covid-19 website says one thing, but the legislation says another thing. ..“We’re just being practical because of the ambiguity behind it.”

    The understanding now is whitebaiting in itself is allowed, the issue is people travelling to do it, Davie said.

    “If you’re in your neighbourhood then yep, if you're travelling to it then no.”

    However, those who are allowed to whitebait and fish must stick to their bubbles, abide to social distancing requirements, be fishing for personal use, not sale, and not do anything that could put them in any risk of injury and need help from emergency services.""

  10. #10
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    Just get into it, go local, go by yourself, day trip only,no vehicles for the hunt,dont put yourself in a bad spot.enjoy.
    Phil_H, Ronin007 and trapperjohn like this.

  11. #11
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    Have just popped on and skim read the last 8 pages on this topic. None of us should be surprised that gaps have been missed by legislators and then found by those looking for them. That is human nature on both counts. To be frank I haven't even bothered looking at the fine detail about what I cant do hunting and fishing wise this time, because I already know deep down what the right thing to do is. So here is what I do know for me:

    1. The delta variant is very different to last year and unless I/ we do my/ our bit now we will end up like Aussy. Like it or not the simple truth is that the cost of it running rampant in our community still vastly exceeds the cost of beating it now. And my heart goes out to all of us hurting financially and in many other ways right now. Hang in there. Our health system simply cant cope with a large scale outbreak and many people will suffer/ die if it does.
    2. I love my hunting but my family is my priority. Making sure they are OK and spending/ enjoying time with them now is way more important than a hunt or two missed over a couple or three weeks (or whatever). So saying that I cant wait to get out for a hunt hopefully soon when we can.
    3. There will always be people flogging the rules in so many ways. I have decided that I should stop worrying about what others are getting away with and simply do what I have decided for me is the right thing. My parents are aging and really vulnerable and I know how I would feel if this goes rampant and they get sick and cant get care because the system is overwhelmed. I am doing what I am doing for my parents and all those people dear to others who also wouldn't survive it.
    4. I put meat from previous hunts aside in the freezer as a safeguard. I feel deeply for those people who genuinely haven't got enough food and no way to get more, for whatever reason.

    Kia kaha team and see you in the hills when this is over.
    Tahr, gilly, Danny and 8 others like this.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    Utter BS, so you can go to a beach and walk over the rock pools but not throw a line in...

    Sick of being treated like a 3 yo
    Yea so technically I could take my rod to the beach and cast parallel to the water and practice. As soon as I turn 90 degrees and throw the line into the water in breaking the rules. I can't even partake in fly fishing the most dangerous sport ever and regarded as the past time of old farts, yet I can go ride my mountain bike on tracks and do whatever
    300CALMAN, Micky Duck and Ronin007 like this.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remmodel7 View Post
    Yea so technically I could take my rod to the beach and cast parallel to the water and practice. As soon as I turn 90 degrees and throw the line into the water in breaking the rules. I can't even partake in fly fishing the most dangerous sport ever and regarded as the past time of old farts, yet I can go ride my mountain bike on tracks and do whatever
    Yep I don't think anyone would consider the rules to be absolutely watertight or 100% logical. Hopefully nearly done south of Auckland ay. Fingers crossed and sympathy to all north of the Bombays.

  14. #14
    MB is offline
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    All sorted now. Was the previous attempt a cockup, or testing the waters with race-based laws?

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MB View Post
    All sorted now. Was the previous attempt a cockup, or testing the waters with race-based laws?

    Really ? NOT AT ALL SORTED..Level 4 at your link states;"............ For example, do not go swimming, surfing, boating, hunting or tramping.."

    BUT makes no mention of exemption for Maori because they know that it would cause them grief to mention it, so they remain silent.. HOWEVER ACT have noted the exemptions for "Customary rights for fishing and food gathering" for Maori as supported by the Potty Police minister........

    follow this link https://tinyurl.com/yp86de7
    Last edited by Kiwi Sapper; 29-08-2021 at 12:11 AM.



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