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Thread: Hunting Over Hot Ground - Other Huntrsr Spoiling Your Hunt #$@#

  1. #1
    Member The Rifleman's Avatar
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    Hunting Over Hot Ground - Other Huntrsr Spoiling Your Hunt #$@#

    Well everyone I have to vent! I've been hunting hard on our public blocks over the last six months without success. I'm too afraid to thaw out my last block of venison.

    Today I finally got my chance to hunt a block that DOC only lets out to one hunter per weekend. Week days are out due to an agreement with the ajoining forestry company. Anyway, there I am up before the sparrows fart to make the most of my permit ( I usually have to wait around 8 weeks to get a weekend there). To cut a long story short, I run into four pig hunters with their four dogs. They have the nerve to ask my how my hunt's going. I reply, not too good actually. And why is that one of the retards asks me. To which I say I don't appeciate hunting over hot ground, especially when I've followed procedure and waited my turn to hunt the block. Nek minit another one of the inconsiderate dick heads tries to bullshit me that they are hunting the farmer's property. Then why the f%#k are you 4km inside the DOC block.

    I took a pic of their truck with my phone but I'm not really one to run to authorities. It just really pisses me off. I guess others have had similar experiences.
    graham99, Toby, deer243 and 2 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    pirongia waikato
    anything like this pisses a man right off. and rightly so you followed the rules they didnt. makes it worse been pighunters with dogs, everything is chased hell for leather. what can you do .

  3. #3
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Yeh that would piss me off. Hand the details to DoC. That is all you can do.
    Splash and kiwi39 like this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
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  4. #4
    Member Twoshotkill's Avatar
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    Put the pick up. these people should be named and shamed. What general area is this???
    graham99 and kiwi39 like this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Yeh that would piss me off. Hand the details to DoC. That is all you can do.
    +1 all you do

    Sent from my MT27i using Tapatalk 2
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  6. #6
    dog chaser distant stalker's Avatar
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    Ive had a few stalks ruined by dogs where they shouldnt be. Really if your not.going to.give details to someone to follow up then you cant expect things to change. Do something to make them.not want to do it again or expect to see them.again ruining more hunts.

  7. #7
    Member The Rifleman's Avatar
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    I hear ya horihunter. I suspect DOC might do fk all. They seem to try and avoid "confrontations". I could give the vehicle details to the cops because they were all essentially tresppasing. The owner of the truck will have to give the cops the names of the other three, also.

  8. #8
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Report it , as you name is on the permit ballot if any thing goes amiss or wrong in there cops be looking at you ?. Like HH says nothing change if you don't report . Police do take it serous ,well they have in the past around here . Myself have had cops ring me over permission and permits , they give you a grilling even when I was legit . Had pig hunter mates caught out and it's not a good place to get , no fines but you don't won't get caught twice !
    graham99 and Maca49 like this.
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  9. #9
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    I have nothing against the pigs they are tastey
    Spanners, graham99, Toby and 2 others like this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

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  10. #10
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    If you don't do anything about it, then you're no better than they are.
    Stop being a soft cock and put the picture on here.
    graham99 likes this.

  11. #11
    Member peril 787b's Avatar
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    Had a similar thing happen with Te Tapui (balloted block). We got there about 6am (break of light) only to find a possum trapper was already in there. Turns out he has a permit, but we never knew he'd be in there. Neither did any other hunter who had a ballot for the block. It's only open for two months, so I'm surprised DOC never told the hunters, or more so told the trapper to NOT be in there at break of dawn. Totally ruined our trip. It's not like he was being quiet either, we'd heard him the previous day and were wondering what the noise was in a supposedly closed block.

  12. #12
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    I had a guy with a dog come past me on the track a couple of weeks ago, the dog was off the lead and running around like a mad thing, and them two trampers came past, thought my day was over but carried on for a walk, about 1 hour later the dog came back, with owner,so i turned around set off down the hill only to spook a hind, which actually ran towards me.
    My question is, how long does the it take for the hot ground to cool down so to speak?i understand that the weather will have a part in it, but when they take off is it for good or just a couple of hours, or days.

  13. #13
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by think twice View Post
    I had a guy with a dog come past me on the track a couple of weeks ago, the dog was off the lead and running around like a mad thing, and them two trampers came past, thought my day was over but carried on for a walk, about 1 hour later the dog came back, with owner,so i turned around set off down the hill only to spook a hind, which actually ran towards me.
    My question is, how long does the it take for the hot ground to cool down so to speak?i understand that the weather will have a part in it, but when they take off is it for good or just a couple of hours, or days.
    Dependant on the animal. I often set up trail cameras and have pictures of deer on them in a few hours. I dont think ground scent bothers them that much (especially young ones that dont no much better) if they get spooked by humans or dogs and chased, that is when they will fuck off for awhile or become much more spooky. imo

  14. #14
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Had a Woodhill ballot block along the coastline. Not long after sunup I could hear motorbikes in my block I had a few scenarios if I was to meet one on a track which included emptying his fuel tank I came close but never caught up with one and was getting more pissed as I saw SWA for the day.
    Talking about it to someone a few years later and he said the deer don't scare too much from the bikes. He has seen a deer walk back out onto the track after a bike had passed. Next time it happens, I might do a deal with a biker to get a ride back down wind

    As for the filthy pighunters with dogs, I really feel for you. You probably don't want to be a scab but do what you have to do

  15. #15
    Member mattdw's Avatar
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    Neighbour told me yesterday he sees more deer in his forestry block on his quad than on foot. They come to see what all the noise is about.



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