Well everyone I have to vent! I've been hunting hard on our public blocks over the last six months without success. I'm too afraid to thaw out my last block of venison.
Today I finally got my chance to hunt a block that DOC only lets out to one hunter per weekend. Week days are out due to an agreement with the ajoining forestry company. Anyway, there I am up before the sparrows fart to make the most of my permit ( I usually have to wait around 8 weeks to get a weekend there). To cut a long story short, I run into four pig hunters with their four dogs. They have the nerve to ask my how my hunt's going. I reply, not too good actually. And why is that one of the retards asks me. To which I say I don't appeciate hunting over hot ground, especially when I've followed procedure and waited my turn to hunt the block. Nek minit another one of the inconsiderate dick heads tries to bullshit me that they are hunting the farmer's property. Then why the f%#k are you 4km inside the DOC block.
I took a pic of their truck with my phone but I'm not really one to run to authorities. It just really pisses me off. I guess others have had similar experiences.