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Thread: Hunting Sambar with a 12 gauge

  1. #16
    Member Roy Lehndorf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Try these baby's ......... I'm not sure if you can still get them but the Name says it all "Law Enforcement" by Fiocchi ... these are rifled slugs Ive smacked deer,pigs and goats at over 100m with these sinkers.....When I found they worked I brought about 10 x packets and now down to the last 10 or so........one of my fondest memories was pig hunting in Blenheim area I was carrying out a small sow back to the truck as the boys chased another pig.....I stepped out of the bush and onto the track and met a 90+ lb boar I snapped shot him in the head with one of these slugs at about 2 meters.......we found a chunk of lead down in his hips when we dressed him out ...... the slug Pollaked him on the spot ................!...happy Hunting...Name:  WP_000732.jpg
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    Work Just Gets In The Way

  2. #17
    Member big_foot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I tried some federal 3incher magnums through my escort taken a couple of pigs and fair few wallabies, even a koon out at about 70m- may have been a fluke though. Not sure if it causes more damage to the shoulder or the target

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Federal power-shok are good I use them in my H@R for pig hunting, 12gauge 1 ounce solids. They group better than the winchester solids in my gun.



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