If rats were passing bacteria to humans that resulted in death to humans, should we attempt to get rid of the rats and their bacteria? Or, if they kill less than the normal flu, less than car accidents, but we still get suicide deaths and others, should we say, "no, don't get rid of the rats." ?
What people sometimes, are not seeing is, that we are not battling a virus that has killed 19 people (with lockdown measures), we are battling a virus that could kill thousands or more, if we expend no effort to stop it.
It's the potential we are battling.
And on the political aspect. I am apolitical, that means I don't support any of them.
But if we elect someone to govern us, we should be thankful, they are not Trump ('merica) or Bolsonaro (Brasil) who both, have f**ked up their nation's response to the virus and have thereby killed thousands of people unnecessarily. We should remember in times like these, it's the government's job to do what's best for the people. Like a deer culler's job is to cull deer, despite what greenies say.
Here's a reminder of what the USA and Brazil have lost, because they thought lock downs were not required, until it was bloody obvious, to even the most stupid of them, that if you don't lock down, you'll kill a lot of people. USA total deaths to date 56,144 Brazil 4,543 so far - remembering that the virus has an approximate 14 day cycle, so these numbers are still rising, whereas, NZ numbers are falling to near 0.
I for one will happily comply with the lockdown measures, even if I bitch about fishing or hunting or other things I can't do. It's better than having to go to funerals.
The economic aspect, will be hard for most of us, regarding money, but I'd rather struggle for a while and not lose thousands of people, some of whom I'll know. I remember my parents telling me of hard times when they were kids during WW2 and the rationing we had in NZ.
And you won't have an economy if you're dead. Perhaps the rich people could take a profit holiday, instead of making out like bandits, with price hikes and monopolies.
I wonder if there'll be more game next season, if there's less of them being shot right now, could be bumper crop next year.
Mind you, it must be a bummer getting shot, just as you're about to hide the sausage.