I shot one a month for 18 months up the Rakaia, they are bloody everywhere and get no second chances if I have a rifle handy.
I shot one a month for 18 months up the Rakaia, they are bloody everywhere and get no second chances if I have a rifle handy.
Ebay might have predator callers ?
They are seriously cunning i know that, some even blend in wearing "domesticated" camo
Fish oil/tuna paste spread on a tree upwind of our sheds/bin stacks certainly brings them into the open, so i can photograph them
Usual disclaimer applies............
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Shot 3 in the last few months, had a farm we shot out Wainaro Hot springs Ngaruawahia, heaps of wild cats, must be Hamiltons dumping ground? One thing I agree with Gareth on GET RID OF CATS in NZ, they are mongrel animals, the damage they do, OH but we'd need more 1080 to control the proliferation of Rats, mice, etc etc,![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I was using the scrub saw one day and four kittens ran out and into bits of nearby rubbish - I put the saw down and caught them one by one - lucky I was wearing gloves
I don’t live on our block - I see the odd cat run, but never have a rifle - just resort to cages and Timms - often takes a few weeks to score - trying different bait - fish is good
Problem with a cage if you catch a kitten - it’s a great learning experience for mum and the rest of the kittens - they get very cagy - don’t go in there!
You guys are doing some amazing work on cats - hard to believe the size of those cats - just think of what they are killing - cats are our most underrated bird predator - but seems it is not PC to promote killing feral cats
If I see our pheasant numbers falling - I know there are cats around - they kill pheasants rapidly and I see the carcases around
Forget feral cats, in my neighborhood it's not PC to mention keeping house cats in at night, apparently that's "against nature". I didn't want to point out that a domestic cat being feed two times a day and shitting indoors was about as an unnatural a life as you can get. I know Dog owners can be protective but the blind denial of cat owners really does blow my mind.
hi mate.
the Feral Cat is one of Australias biggest Predators, and I would hazard to guess NZ biggest predator.
Cunning, elusive but everywhere..
big ups to any Cat hunter, world needs more of yas.
mouse squeeker and a 12gauge.
good luck
I love shooting wild cats and get heaps of practice here on Banks Peninsula with cats being constantly re introduced by pet cats being brought to holiday homes and not wanting to go back to the big smoke after their holidays.
We also see a lot of them in the Canterbury high country and I have turned down the odd shot at a deer in preference to getting a sneaky wild cat.
I shot this one a few years ago with my 9.3x62
Shot one last friday afternoon when driving out from the Canterbury high country with Matt 2308.
We saw it on the side of the shingle road and slammed on the brakes.
All the rifles were locked away in the back of the truck and there was a mad dash for a weapon by me.
Matt ( experienced fox hunter from the UK ) got straight into making a wounded rabbit call and brought me enough time to load up and take a 30m running shot that blew the cat to pieces.
Bloody good result and nice way to finish a great trip into the high country.
Must get Matt to show me what he did because it certainly created some confusion with that cat.
was hoping you would see that, you missed another one though!
Funny I was after the geese when the kids said oh look a cat, change of plans lol
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I had a two farms between foxton and shannon I was spotlighting on for a few years ended up cleaning up about 10 in total.
Was the local dumping ground for the unwanted domestic pets
First thing I shot on stewart island was mom cat and three kittens!
Boys back at the hut thought I was in the shitlucky I came back on the mud flats so they could see I was ok (Freds Camp)
Took a bit of explaining it was the first day and allbut once it was confirmed all sweet
as they must have thought what's this young p**** up too?
First trip there back in 1992 got two nice does that trip. One of those skins is now here in the uk![]()
I first thought this thread might be about weird useless calibers when reading the title. Glad its not, wild cats are everywhere and usually fairly hard to knock down with the standard 22lr. Speaking of pointless calibers, the 204 used to make them "pop"...
I hate the bastards and drill em when the oppertunity arises.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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