Seen two tonight only got a shot at one as my headlamp died,will check tomorrow.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Pussy post
The family pet won't feature below
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Ive shot a 4 up in the Pohongina Valley over the years at a family friends. First one was when I was 16, thought it was a possum at the base of a tree when we were spotlighting. Eyes looked exactly the same as a possums in the light. Other 3 were infesting their shearing shed and really pissing off the farmer. He didn't really have the energy to deal with them himself so when I went up one Christmas I went on walks every couple of hours with old 10/22. Does the job. Popped off 3 and the rest buggered off but left one orphaned. The farmer ended up taking the thing in and raising it, it wouldn't let anybody other than him near it. I came back about 2 years later and it was more than happy to follow me around. We joked it remembered the smell of me and figured it better be nice to me or it might go the way of the others. Morbid? Yes but it was the best explanation we could come up with.
All joking aside they are vicious little devils, good luck if you are after them, cheers for doing the nation a favor!
We saw one while tahr hunting right up the top of the rangitata (of all places) he was a wee way off but even then we could tell it was a pretty big cat, black too, when I first spotted it through my binos I literally got all excited and thought I had spotted the bloody canterbury panther! I think @sambnz has some video/photos of it?
Well this thread escalated![]()
Dad had one wild cat the used to sneak in at night and piss in his boots
He tried for around two months to get the bugger!
Mum got him in the end with the Holden HQ....not with the wheels! He snuck in one cold night after Dad got back from some meeting.
Went to sleep up under the bonnetwhen Mum went to duck down the local grocery store the next morning she got the shock of her life. But not as much as that bloody cat.
He met his maker in the way of the fan of that 202! Man that car went from deep throat rumble to high pitched scream in the blink of an eye....with one very scared looking woman behind the wheelI was laughing so hard I nearly wet me selve!
Dad made me clean it up for not running to the poor old lady's rescueThat was one very plucked cat when we lifted the bonnet
had eyeballs that looked like a spilled sack of marbles
Ive deleted the film and pictures sadly. It was a seriously big cat. Scary big.
Wild cats can soak up some lead too, about 4x tougher than any rabbit and similar to a big possum. A centrefire is def not overkill. Scored a huge black tom once that had impressive nads. The cocky has seen him many times and was happy I nailed him.
This pic is slightly exaggerated but our Maine Coon is pretty damn big- over 9kg
I shoot quite a few in forests we manage. Came across a group of 5 kittens the other day, put the dog on them and she killed them all before they got to safety.
A month ago I shot a massive ginger tom, he had no ears and I cornered him on a track as I drove around. The bugger was snarling at the truck, sst out of the .280 at less than 10 meters left him sprawled across the road.
In our old house I shot over 20 in one year, they just kept showing up. In the house we live in now I see them often, but have to be careful as some neighbors have wild looking cats. If they behave suspicious I just shoot them.
There are so many wild cats out there its not funny.
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
I like cats, we have four of them, but I've shot plenty of huge feral bastards over the years.
Nice big kitty litter tray!
Did you get it?
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Nah would have been hard to hide the mess - shooting 300 win mag yesterday
Neighbours cats are pretty wild especially when u start shooting at them
Was camping at Homebay, lake sumner a few years ago and was awoken at 2am by baby kittens crying. got up and found 4 of them had fallen out of a den in the trees.
I took them for a swim in the lake.
Mum came looking the next morning. She said she had a sore head, well I think she said that because I gave her a 130gr pill but it didn't agree with her. :p