If you represent the average Nz ground hunter I, can see why there is a rift between operators and hunters. Please fuck off from our forum.
Peter Dunne is so far, a failure and we have a no politics rule anyway.
Go to the other forum that is run and moderated by one-sided extremists and in my opinion, they are way worse than any reputable operator I know or have worked for.
Helihunting sucks when it is allowed in ballot blocks etc but there is a place and room for it.
It just needs some revamping.
What seriously fucks me off about the whole debate is the extremist views and threats to life made from the opposition to HH.
It in my eyes reflects the instability of some and their ability to have a firearms licence.
I hope you walk everywhere and are only hunting areas where you are only a danger to yourself. I doubt it though as you seem a person that can't see the forest for the trees.