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Thread: Just experienced Heli-Hunting first hand

  1. #31
    Member Kudu's Avatar
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    Where you were is one of my favourite places in NZ. Its such a pity to hear the copters are hitting it.

  2. #32
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kudu View Post
    Where you were is one of my favourite places in NZ. Its such a pity to hear the copters are hitting it.
    The only good "helihunting" chopper, is one upside down on the ground full of holes, 30cal holes........ Join Peter Dunnes party on it's re registration, it is our only legal chance to make any kind of dent in the way these arrogant fkwt cowboy clowns operate at the expense of the average NZ ground hunter.

  3. #33
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    pirongia waikato
    that's abit rough kiwijames....like all things in life there are always the good and bad. the pilot who flew me to hosp seemed like a decent guy..

  4. #34
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    The only good "helihunting" chopper, is one upside down on the ground full of holes, 30cal holes........

    Another "fit and proper" firearm user advertising for the rest of us.
    Thanks mate.
    And a ripper first post!!!

  5. #35
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    There is nothing like flying in a chopper. Those kero burners get us old farts into the middle of nowhere and back again. One of the things about the roar I look forward to. Shooting from them doesn't float my boat and is also what got DaveHill to start this thread

  6. #36
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    I suggest you edit your post 257weatherby, or we'll have to do it for you. Those sort of connotations and expressive name callings are not nice to see even if we disagree with helihunting in general, nor does it shed us as hunters and users of firearms in a good light. Its the type of stuff anti-gun people sift public hunting forums for and use for ammo so-to-speak.

    Welcome to the forum though

  7. #37
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    The only good "helihunting" chopper, is one upside down on the ground full of holes, 30cal holes........

    Another "fit and proper" firearm user advertising for the rest of us.
    Thanks mate.
    Having had the blue chopper out of Wanaka fly the hill around me killing every Tahr in the mob, for a commercial meat recovery operation, I feel entitled to my position.

    Bastard knew I was there, a large 4wd in the middle of a glacial river valley (Macauly river) is hard to miss. He had spent the day working (killing everything on legs) the Two Thumbs around North East Gorge. He waited untill I was within 200m as the mob fed down to me, and then decided that the ground hunter taking one animal for meat was too much for him too take, so he blasted back all the way across to me and chased and destroyed the mob. Then after he was done, had himself a giggle as he SLOWLY flew the machine past me at my elevation (about 1500m in deep snow) having a good look and giggle.

    Later claimed during enquires into the incident that they never saw me on the hill. Using their logic, it would be unreasonable to chastise me for being ready to engage the door gunner if I suspected I was next to be killed, as movement or shape would have indicated another animal, as it couldn't possibly be a human..... Tahr get around in big blue Mitsi's these days and have human spotters on the ground...........

    Met another hunter coming up the valley as we left a couple of days later, same had happened to him over in the Rangitata the previous day, same blue machine.

    I involved Civil Aviation, Doc and the Tekapo police. Doc were "overseeing the meat for profit operation", and the Tekapo cop and local Doc are "bestest buddies" and it couldn't possibly have been that way. Civil Aviation told me at the time, they were already looking at that operator over other stuff. Asked for the GPS log from the machine, but somehow it got misslaid and wasn't available.Tried to lay an official complaint at Tekapo- the Tekapo cop had an angry at me when I told him that a door gunner shooting animals within 100m of me (one ran into a gut that close to me) made me consider the need to defend my self - it was not untill much later that I discovered how tight they are.

    The wife used to roll her eyes and pretend to listen when I or one of the boys would say stuff about the chopper mob..... she was my spotter on the gound that day and was on the radio to me having a melt down because she though they were going to shoot me too.

    As for a south jaffa telling me anything about firearm safety, I had to in Hamilton for a number of years because of work, after a couple of trips, I refused to go hunting in the North ever again, dangereous place full or morons with guns that have no self control and shoot at anything that moves.

    My theory on that is that a large number of North Island "hunters" are city dwellers that get out once a year, have no real long term experience or success rate, and are quite desperate to kill some thing, so if it moves, they shoot at it. City boy are we?

    Those of us so anti the flyboy brigade, might not be so anti if they didn't behave they way they do, and keep getting away with.

  8. #38
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    I suggest you edit your post 257weatherby, or we'll have to do it for you. Those sort of connotations and expressive name callings are not nice to see even if we disagree with helihunting in general, nor does it shed us as hunters and users of firearms in a good light. Its the type of stuff anti-gun people sift public hunting forums for and use for ammo so-to-speak.

    Welcome to the forum though
    Didn't indulge in any name calling. Read my post as to why I might feel that way. Curiously, the anti gun lobby are quiet on the subject of helicopter gunships relentlessly cruising the skies killing everything. My opinion may be an inflamatory one, and I do take your point, but at what point do you say nothing?, when it is supposed to be a democratic right to have free speech. Perhaps I was trolling for a flyboy tosspot to bite......

    Errps, your'e right, I did lable them with an "expressive" name in my first post, but to be fair, because I used the shorthand of that "expression", you would have to be familiar with that term to start with, to understand what I called them.
    Last edited by 257weatherby; 07-06-2013 at 11:16 AM.

  9. #39
    R93 is offline
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    If you represent the average Nz ground hunter I, can see why there is a rift between operators and hunters. Please fuck off from our forum.
    Peter Dunne is so far, a failure and we have a no politics rule anyway.
    Go to the other forum that is run and moderated by one-sided extremists and in my opinion, they are way worse than any reputable operator I know or have worked for.
    Helihunting sucks when it is allowed in ballot blocks etc but there is a place and room for it.
    It just needs some revamping.
    What seriously fucks me off about the whole debate is the extremist views and threats to life made from the opposition to HH.
    It in my eyes reflects the instability of some and their ability to have a firearms licence.
    I hope you walk everywhere and are only hunting areas where you are only a danger to yourself. I doubt it though as you seem a person that can't see the forest for the trees.
    JonP and Kiwiman like this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  10. #40
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    Didn't indulge in any name calling. Read my post as to why I might feel that way. Curiously, the anti gun lobby are quiet on the subject of helicopter gunships relentlessly cruising the skies killing everything. My opinion my be an inflamatory one, and I do take your point, but at what point do you say nothing?, when it is supposed to be a democratic right to have free speech. Perhaps I was trolling for a flyboy tosspot to bite......
    Ok mate if thats how you feel then that's fine. If you are referring to me as a flyboy tosspot well you're a bit off the mark there. I enjoy helicopters, have a lot of mates who own or fly helicopters, and I access hunting areas with them ocassionally but would not know the first thing about flying one - other than there is a joystick, a lever and some pedals.

    I hunt on average 8 plus times/days a month, the majority of that hunting being done on public land, the majority of those hunting areas are accessed by my own legs, and I have experienced helihunting and WARO operations first hand on a number of occasions. I believe helihunting needs to be stopped on Public land. Waro I believe has its place and is needed. I have written letters and submissions to the minister on a number of ocassions, written to newspapers and have presented my opinion on both hunting forums as well as on heli forums. But I don't wish any pilot regardless of what they are doing to be upside-down in his machine filled with 30cal holes, nor do I call them f*ckw*t cowboys.

    Happy hunting.
    sako75 likes this.

  11. #41
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    If you represent the average Nz ground hunter I, can see why there is a rift between operators and hunters. Please fuck off from our forum.
    Peter Dunne is so far, a failure and we have a no politics rule anyway.
    Go to the other forum that is run and moderated by one-sided extremists and in my opinion, they are way worse than any reputable operator I know or have worked for.
    Helihunting sucks when it is allowed in ballot blocks etc but there is a place and room for it.
    It just needs some revamping.
    What seriously fucks me off about the whole debate is the extremist views and threats to life made from the opposition to HH.
    It in my eyes reflects the instability of some and their ability to have a firearms licence.
    I hope you walk everywhere and are only hunting areas where you are only a danger to yourself. I doubt it though as you seem a person that can't see the forest for the trees.
    Am assuming this is in reference to my post.

    So, instead of reasoned logic as to why I should not be anti the heli mob, or as to how it ( the heli mob) might be moderated, you chose to indulge in personal attack.. mmmm, just who has the issues here......I will agree that Peter Dunne isn't the best, but he is at least a small measure of support in the very place they make legislation, and pretty much the only one where it counts. I will agree there is room for both, if they considered the same, and if they could be kept on a leash.

    Intersesting that you reserve the right to comment, and by implication, make a statement as my state of mind, but would seek to deny me the same right.
    In the same breath, you give forth your clinical analysis as to my character and personality traits, am assuming you bought your PHD in Clinical Phsycology in India or somewhere similar, because your assessment of me lacks accuracy. I hate the Helihunting mob and the assciated activities, give me reasoned debate as to why I should not. Or just indulge your self in name calling. Didn't know about a no politics rule, it did not seem unreasonable to point out that there is one person in Govt that actually gives a shit about this.

  12. #42
    R93 is offline
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    Wanting to see pilots upsidedown in their wrecks full of holes is worthy of clinical analysis?
    I asked you to fuck off from this forum. If you want to keep dribbling on about the issue I ask that you still do. There are people here that have views either way, and they seem to be respected. There has been no childish debate on here about the subject.
    We have a NO politics rule here, one of the few, so if you wanna stay, please abide by it.
    Your first post has pissed people off, in case you havent noticed. So far a poor start, I dont need a PHD to sum you up either, I have had a CPL(H) for 13 years. I think it is a better qualification than a PHD any day. Surely it beats sitting in an office listening to the wonky donks.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  13. #43
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Ok mate if thats how you feel then that's fine. If you are referring to me as a flyboy tosspot well you're a bit off the mark there. I enjoy helicopters, have a lot of mates who own or fly helicopters, and I access hunting areas with them ocassionally but would not know the first thing about flying one - other than there is a joystick, a lever and some pedals.

    I hunt on average 8 plus times/days a month, the majority of that hunting being done on public land, the majority of those hunting areas are accessed by my own legs, and I have experienced helihunting and WARO operations first hand on a number of occasions. I believe helihunting needs to be stopped on Public land. Waro I believe has its place and is needed. I have written letters and submissions to the minister on a number of ocassions, written to newspapers and have presented my opinion on both hunting forums as well as on heli forums. But I don't wish any pilot regardless of what they are doing to be upside-down in his machine filled with 30cal holes, nor do I call them f*ckw*t cowboys.

    Happy hunting.
    Ok, I see how you took that, not intentional,- wasn't calling you one, was generalising in reference to them (unless you were in fact an operator)

    Only some of them are actually cowboys, they just happen to be the attention getters, and having had lead in the air headed in my general direction from one, colours my perception. And there is no desire to go around shooting at them, it is frustrating that they apear to be able to operate on public land with impunity.

    Infamatory statement? yes, acually intended as it sounds? umm,no.
    Boy sneaks dads car, brand new Beamer out while dad is away, crashes it in the stone gate post at home cause he can't really drive yet. Mum comes home at screams, "dads gonna kill you when he gets home!!!", Do the neighbours call the armed offenders out? Is dad really gonna kill him?

    It is a question of context. No I do not avocate shooting at Heli hunt machines, the statemant is simply indicative of the feeling that the cowboy operators generate

    WARO is a related but different problem

    If there were definative areas and boundries that were observed, there would be no problem, how to actually achieve this, I do not know.

  14. #44
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    I find it hard to care about the opinions of someone who apparently owns a .257 Weatherby Magnum
    kiwijames and R93 like this.



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