Hunted up there fourty years ago, was a mangrove swamp up top then
Hunted up there fourty years ago, was a mangrove swamp up top then
I would suggest that anyone heading for the Kauritatahi hut, be aware after reading some of the information, that the original hut burnt down as was replaced in another location. DoC cut a 'new' track after slips on Ngatanahinerua made the going too dangerous. Those that hunted there many years ago will give a different perspective than those who have hunted more recent in the area.
The 'lost' hunter mentioned in a previous post was a wanker...raced up Thompsons on his motorbike from the Waikato side, and was on the phone to police within 2 hours of entering the bush to say he was lost and needed to get home to milk the cows...said he could see Mt Maunganui and Tauranga through breaks in the low cloud, but did not know where he was...he was at the old hut site and was told to stay there...police rescue team got their vehicle 150 metres up the track before managing to get it stuck with 7km to go...I loaned them quad bikes to get to the top...rescue team took old track to bluffed on Ngatanahinerua and arrived at 'new' hut after dark and found hunter had made it to there...after being told to stay put he had wandered around until he found new hut...took the whole team until 2.30pm the next day to finally get all of them out.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
Thanks the info Bagheera, and Spook.
Anyone contemplating a hunt via Thompsons Track [Waikato side] be aware the track is munted...went for a quad ride up it can get all of 6 minutes travel of the 4 wheel drive clubs is evaluating possibility of opening track...council just shrug their shoulders...way too hard basket for can walk over the slips in the first 1 - 1.5km [that's about as far as I went]...took a load of photos for the 4xclub but cant seem to post them on here...not that it matters...seen one slip, seen them all...will keep all informed as to updates when they come to hand.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
kauritatahi was a cold wet hut when i went there with my girlfriend hut is in a swamp on the top of the hill
wont be in a hurry to go back
This is my first post, so hello and thank you all.
I love the mighty Kiamai-Maumka ranges. I've been hunting up there for a measly four years but I've been there dozens of times now. I started by doing the North-South track with just a camera and ended up doing the 80 odd kms in a week, didn't see any deer and it rained the whole time. The classic hunt is central and south but I found quite a nice size cast on a ridge just north of waitawheta hut which surprised people I've told.
The numbers are very low I reckon, sure there's a bit of sign, the odd tap dancing party here and there, but compared to the big parks I've found that I'm a lot more likely to bump into other hunters than deer... Might be a few pigs too but there are also people who know that.
Anyway, she's a lovely place to stroll the days away and practice your craft. Of all the huts you can take your pick, but there's a few that aren't on the maps too so keep your eyes open.
Track closed by slips after heavy rains |
Latest offical version on Thompsons Track might give the resident deer population a breather from spot lighters![]()
That photo they have used must be at the 6 km mark as there is no way they would have got those vehicles there without going through forestry (Ryan Block)...everyday I close this gate after those that cant read open it and leave it on their way out...they can drive for 6.5 minutes (quad bike at tourist speed)...before they hit the first slip and have to come back...
Of course it doesn't help that 1.9 km before the gate the councils own sign and the 4WD club sign are still in place...this has been mentioned to them and since this photo was taken they have hung a sack that partly covers council sign.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
End of the road...6.5 minutes
Same slip from other end...that big tree is now in what was middle of the road
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
You have more trucks blocking the road than debris...just start them up and move away.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
The same rainstorm that took out Thompsons Track made a mess of my place...these photos are after I dug a track
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
Bloody hell spook it sure is a boghole compared to the state highway it was last time I was up there.
To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals
Is anyone doing anything to reopen the track? How bad is it past that point? Would a small crew with chainsaws and spades be able to make any progress?