Cheers Bryan. Now i have a toss up between this hut and spooks offer. Thanks guys for pointing me in the right
direction. the ri
Cheers Bryan. Now i have a toss up between this hut and spooks offer. Thanks guys for pointing me in the right
direction. the ri
Mangamuka Hut: Tauranga area backcountry huts
Plenty of area's around here as has been said previously TeTuhi Track from the Matamata side if you are coming down from Auckland - time well how long is a piece of string it depends on what you are carrying i.e kitchen sink and more importantly how fit and keen you are. But their are some good clearings and area's around this locality. I saw a nice stag, two hinds and a good porker on a mid week wander mission 20+K through here coming in from Whakamarama Road End - TeTuhi - Clay Rd circuit
Last edited by Bonecrusher; 17-06-2013 at 05:07 PM.
The bivvy with the iron is Ngamuwahine, which is on the main North South track and about an hour and a half walk from Mangamuka hut. What you see is what you get there. THose photos look as if they were take in summer, BC ! Rusky, take 2 compasses or one plus a GPS and 2 spare sets of batteries. Many a circle and figur 8 has been walked .... Wish I was up there now but can't for a while.
The deer do like to hang out in supplejack on top of spurs but if I was at Waitawheta I'd go up the trach SW of the hut and hunt across the little saddle and down a creek towards the "m" of stream. They like moist gullies where the bush is a bit open. yet sheltered from any prevailing breeze. The Waitawheta has about 20 crossings to get to te hut and will be all knee deep cold and shady at this time of year. There are some massive bluffs in that area so don't cut it too fine in the evening.
This is one of my efforts - the big hairpin is trying to go in a straight line using a GPS. Better to put it away and hold the compass in your hand.
(this area was actually largely toetoe and ankle deep swamp, not just kiekie) and it was raining and about 5pm at this time of year )
Those pics look very attractive Bonecrusher.
Bagheera, yep got a GPS (3 sets of spare batts), compass, will buy a map too. I won't be venturing too far off the beaten track (baby steps) until I get my confidence up a bit. Still relatively new to bush hunting so will see what eventuates.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
Quite a good plan is the first time into an area there walk the tracks and cover the ground, record them on your GPS, find the huts and landmarks so you can get back on them after dark if neccessary. You will find more sign and nicer bush off the track but get to know the lie of the land first. The tracks on the map are only approximate.
People are used to hunters in there, just be courteous, open bolt when stopped and talking to people, don't put one up the spout while on the track.
I will be very surprised if you see anyone else up there? Spring yes now not likely to be much traffic
Might lick me to death aye... Any good on sniffing out deer?
Good ! so good he can sniff out a dog biscuit in a 50 acre paddockHe's quite good value easy going nature gives him value
Went for a walk up TeTuhi track this arvo, Not a bad walk, (2.5hrs) To the top, Walked in for a while then headed back to the car park.Was pushed for time, Next time i will go early and take my rifle and head for the hut, It's nice up there. Photo was on taken on the way down.