Thanks for that @Nick.m
Looking at the wording of that FMC post I get the feeling they have become woke like most all entities (OK, I've said it!). The more principled position would be to treat the public's right to access public land along public roads as sacrosanct. The access is not across private land, its BETWEEN parcels of private land. There is ample evidence the road is public land. Unseemly behaviour? Welcome to the real world. If blocking off access to legal road ends was to solve the issue of "unseemly behaviour" then every single roadend in NZ would be blocked off by now.
The Trust is grumpy with DOC re past dealings?? Not the Public's problem.
Yes, the land for Waipakahi road was taken under the Public Work act for construction of the Tongariro Power Project... guess what, plenty of New Zealand farmers, land owners, home owners etc have had their land taken by the Public works act (or equivalent). No ones crying them a river.
This has all the makings of a very slippery slope...