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Thread: Kaimanawa Forest Park

  1. #376
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    and if B.W. is even half right in his number of animals "migrating " from public land onto private.......the private land owners should be very forthcoming with open access to public land to keep down the ravishing hoards or animals...
    Nice thought but can't see it happening

  2. #377
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    Jun 2014
    A meeting was help with TDC mayor and staff today. They have been brought up to speed as far as possible at this stage with further enquiries to be carried out. NZDA HQ are aware of the discussion and are also following lines of enquiry. Affected parties not only include us or hunters per se, but trampers, Genisis energy, and many other user groups access to this portion of Kaimanawa Forest Park. TDC is now fully aware of this wide band of interest.
    Tahr, chainsaw, Micky Duck and 3 others like this.
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  3. #378
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    "We understand the Waipakihi accessway land is going through a process to transfer the Crown land back to the former or adjacent landowners."

    It's noteworthy that the Herenga a nuku statement doesn't name those who it is proposed might acquire the ownership.

    I wonder what stage this process has reached. That web site doesn't say.

    One of the adjacent landowners is the Tongariro National Park and public good and the goals of Herenga a nuku would be best served by transferring it to the park. ("Our purpose is to provide New Zealanders with free, certain, enduring and practical access to the outdoors."
    https://www.herengaanuku.govt.nz/abo...spe-2022-2023/ accessed 2022 08 12)

    @HiTop are you in a position to discuss this online ?
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  4. #379
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    Not my circus sorry. I'd let the processes of local government, the crown and the adjacent land owners sort it all out. The interest shown has signalled the need for a well negotiated outcome and it really is up to the parties to come to an agreement.

  5. #380
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    But local Government knew nothing about it, hence the desire by central North island forum members to go to the Taupo District Council and get as much sunlight on the issue as quickly as possible.

    The parcel of land the tar seal strip (known colloquially as Waipakahi road as its not a 'road' in the legal sense) is still vested in the Crown, so the Maori Trust theoretically do not have legal ability to place bollards and a gate on Crown land.

    DoC appear to have been singularly hopeless in doing anything to foster continued access to the Public Conservation Estate.

    The Walking Access Commission on the other hand appear to be sticking to their stated principles and doing their best to maintain enduring public access.

  6. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiTop View Post
    Not my circus sorry. I'd let the processes of local government, the crown and the adjacent land owners sort it all out. The interest shown has signalled the need for a well negotiated outcome and it really is up to the parties to come to an agreement.
    Thanks @HiTop.
    So the Aotearoa outdoor access commission / herenagaanuku is not going to take action to meet its statement of performance expectations 2022-2023 ?

  7. #382
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    the more parties with SOME clout that come along and chip in to help keep access open the better,one would think.....
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  8. #383
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    Hopefully they will agree to work closely together. The outcome will have effects elsewhere in NZ in the future.
    tetawa, john m and techno retard like this.
    Summer grass
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  9. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    Thanks @HiTop.
    So the Aotearoa outdoor access commission / herenagaanuku is not going to take action to meet its statement of performance expectations 2022-2023 ?
    It would appear the commission has already responded to the concerns and has spent considerable time investigating. Resolution is a different matter and I think there will need to be further discussions between the parties before anything can be progressed. Clearly there are issues of clarification of who actually has title and what that title ensures or if that title will actually be given up in a restoration process. How much the public's interest will be considered I cannot guess. I look forward to seeing a resolution and if the road is illegally blocked then the blockages must be removed prior to any further discussion. Enduring public access is most certainly what everyone appears to be looking for and I sincerely hope that can be retained but I think we all need to be aware there may be a dispute over the ownership of the land the road sits on due to it being taken under the Public Works Act. Hopefully something will get sorted quickly and everyone can come to agreement and you can all get back to enjoying the place soon.
    Bagheera, Shearer, Woody and 3 others like this.

  10. #385
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    SO.....if it was taken under the public works act.......... keep it under the same.....it has been requisitioned (correct term I believe) for the purpose of a road that is the best interests of the greater public to access public land.....maybe???? or charge current going rate to MAKE the road where it is as it stands to the person or persons who want the land back...its an improvement so therefore should be paid for....... couple of thousand bucks per meter was cost of Auckland footpath I believe....a raod out in middle of nowhere also has transporting heavy machinery to get it there in first place to take into account.
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  11. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by XR500 View Post
    But local Government knew nothing about it, hence the desire by central North island forum members to go to the Taupo District Council and get as much sunlight on the issue as quickly as possible.

    The parcel of land the tar seal strip (known colloquially as Waipakahi road as its not a 'road' in the legal sense) is still vested in the Crown, so the Maori Trust theoretically do not have legal ability to place bollards and a gate on Crown land.

    DoC appear to have been singularly hopeless in doing anything to foster continued access to the Public Conservation Estate.

    The Walking Access Commission on the other hand appear to be sticking to their stated principles and doing their best to maintain enduring public access.
    In view of the strong possibility that the DoC estate will be handed to tangata whenua (Te Urewera), or at least co-managed with tangata whenua, DoC will keep their head below the parapet. This has been the experience in several scenarios in Auckland recently, including tangata whenua being handed control of kauri dieback disease.

  12. #387
    Member Reindeer's Avatar
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    If, and only if it is given back to tangata whenua it will be Ngati Tuwharetoa and administered by the Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust.
    Not Te Urewera

    Sent from my SM-G990E using Tapatalk
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  13. #388
    BSA is offline
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    Article in Stuff this morning on the Kaimanawa Access issue. I'd say if they have gone public with this article closure is imminent but my opinion only.


  14. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reindeer View Post
    If, and only if it is given back to tangata whenua it will be Ngati Tuwharetoa and administered by the Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust.
    Not Te Urewera

    Sent from my SM-G990E using Tapatalk
    I used Te Urewera as an example of DoC managed land being handed to tangata whenua, in that case, Tuhoe.
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  15. #390
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Yep it appears it might be closed to allow for a private enterprise with Helisika according to the Stuff article this morning



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