The very interesting thing about the two websites I mentioned are that they both rely on facts, not innuendo. In the case of the 1080 science site, if people care to examine the section on the ERMA Index you will find literally HUNDREDS of extracts from DoC, AHB and ERMA evidence and other government / publicly funded organizations and by studying these you will see the distortions that have been fed to the public by the "unofficial" media statements which do not reflect the actual science (contained in the INDEX) which propaganda in fact mostly cannot justify the widespread application of 1080 poison.
Contributors to the two sites include several INDEPENDENT (of government) PhD scientists and qualified Foresters. There is an ocean of difference in the comparative credibility of these independent people compared to government employees bound by employment and non-disclosure terms of employment contracts typical of DoC and most other government departments. Police are a government department too.
Not many people are aware that the Animal health Board (AHB)was set up by a exclusive branch of high government which has powers to operate without reference to parliamentary public disclosure, in 1998, called "The Executive Committee". This executive Committee, chaired by the Governor General and including the Prime Minister and other senior Ministers operates outside normal parliamentary process. The AHB was set up by this "Committee' in the guise of A Charitable Society' and thus was exempt from public scrutiny, auditing, AND exempt from the official Information Act and Ombudsman Investigations;-- until 2013, when our public pressure brought in more public accountability. While being funded to the tune of over a billion $$ of public taxpayers funds via treasury, this protected semi secrete organization was allowed to promote mass spreading of 1080 poison along with government funded media cooperation to promote themselves outside the secrecy surrounding their accountability, which was inflicted on the unsuspecting (but paying) public of NZ.
More recently, $5 million dollars of West Coast Regional Council ratepayers funds was secretly invested in the new 1080 factory set up in Rolleston, without any consultation with West Coast ratepayers. The CEO of the West Coast Regional Council, in cahoots with the Resource Consenting Authorities , which Nick Smith is the head of (Because he is Minister for the Environment), along with the government installed commissioners running E-Can, have become profiteering business associates of the poison and the poison factory which they also issue the resource consents for , to drop it all over their region.
Police will do nothing about these occurrences, citing them as "Civil matters", not criminal matters.
LoL !
