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Thread: Kaimanawas 1080 drop

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Guys & Girls,

    It is pointless just commenting about the Dept of Corruptions plans to poison OUR RHA for the 3rd time in 5 years!!!!
    You may think that it is a pointless exercise jumping up & down & pulling your hair out about this sort of ecocide but you do need to do something!!!!

    I suggest emailing the Nat Exec of NZDA at: info@deerstalkers.org.nz and the new Sika Foundation at: info@sikafoundation.co.nz and expressing your views in the strongest way possible. NZDA have an obligation to do EVERYTHING that they can to stop this kind of crap but appear to have put it in the "too hard" basket????
    The new Sika Foundation is in it's early days & is feelings its way so may not be in a position to do much YET??? If they're successful at getting Sika classified as an" animal of significant importance" ?? then they will have a legal opportunity to get the 1080'ing & gunship killing of OUR Sika stopped once & for all.

    So go to it team. Send in your emails. The more the merrier & then it won't just be me & a few others getting off our fat arses actually making an effort; & I'm not saying that many of you are???.

    To my way of thinking, this is what this forum is all about. A huge group voice aimed ( excuse the pun) at the poisoners & gunship operators.
    Last edited by top gun; 22-02-2016 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #17
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    an argument against 1080 coming from deer stalkers will never be well respected, all they're trying to do is save their hobby of killing an introduced species while 1080 is dropped to try and save the native species.

    How about getting a fund going for some independant and peer reviewed studies into the effects of 1080 on national I've species, water quality and native forest health? It will hold more respect than a bunch of grumpy letters, however the studies, if conducted, are likely to work against deer stalkers interests.
    kiwijames, res and rockland like this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    an argument against 1080 coming from deer stalkers will never be well respected, all they're trying to do is save their hobby of killing an introduced species while 1080 is dropped to try and save the native species.

    How about getting a fund going for some independant and peer reviewed studies into the effects of 1080 on national I've species, water quality and native forest health? It will hold more respect than a bunch of grumpy letters, however the studies, if conducted, are likely to work against deer stalkers interests.
    The purpose of my post was for forum members to give the two groups mentioned some ammunition to use against the "forces-of-evil". If they were able to say that they have had 1000's of communications opposing the Dept of Constipation's plans to drop the 3RD dose of 1080 into one of the most heavily hunted areas of NZ, they MIGHT raise a few eyebrows????

    Remember too, we do have a few friends in the funny farm that Don Key is in charge of!!!!!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    an argument against 1080 coming from deer stalkers will never be well respected, all they're trying to do is save their hobby of killing an introduced species while 1080 is dropped to try and save the native species.

    How about getting a fund going for some independant and peer reviewed studies into the effects of 1080 on national I've species, water quality and native forest health? It will hold more respect than a bunch of grumpy letters, however the studies, if conducted, are likely to work against deer stalkers interests.
    I strongly suggest you go to these sites Savage1 and study them carefully.
    1080 Science | Scientific findings on 1080

    Live and learn
    blake likes this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Laaaammmme. There goes our plan out the bloody window aye @Rusky

  6. #21
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Woody;443450]I strongly suggest you go to these sites Savage1 and study them carefully.
    1080 Science | Scientific findings on 1080

    Live and learn[/QUOTE]

    I suggest you look into the studies to see if they've been peer reviewed. The anti 1080 brigade is well known for pseudo-science. Science is a method which they often choose to ignore when it doesn't suit them but jump all over if it does suit, much like religion.

    Read some respectable studies with a genuine open mind and you might be quite surprised at what you find.
    res likes this.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Precisely Savage1

    The entire area of the RHA has been trapped before and could be again; instead of the desecration with the green rain mate.

  8. #23
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Just to be clear, I don't advocate using 1080 where trapping is financially viable and effective.

    1080 isn't ideal, but it's better than nothing. Well, for the native fauna and flora.
    kiwijames and res like this.

  9. #24
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    I suggest you look into the studies to see if they've been peer reviewed. The anti 1080 brigade is well known for pseudo-science. Science is a method which they often choose to ignore when it doesn't suit them but jump all over if it does suit, much like religion.

    Read some respectable studies with a genuine open mind and you might be quite surprised at what you find.
    Statistics are there to be used, ignored or manipulated.
    Dan M

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    The purpose of my post was for forum members to give the two groups mentioned some ammunition to use against the "forces-of-evil". If they were able to say that they have had 1000's of communications opposing the Dept of Constipation's plans to drop the 3RD dose of 1080 into one of the most heavily hunted areas of NZ, they MIGHT raise a few eyebrows????

    Remember too, we do have a few friends in the funny farm that Don Key is in charge of!!!!!

    I presume that there are a few dedicated Sika hunters on this forum who would like to protect & preserve our favourite critters????
    I'll let the loungechair lizzards wallow in their belief in the efficacy of 1080 BUT I would implore those who REALLY care to join me & a few others & contact the organisations mentioned & give them ( NZDA particularly!!!) a real taste of what you think. These catastrophies of poisoning can be stopped if enough pressure is applied. (by us & them). Particularly in RHA's. I still can't believe that the arseholes got away with 1080'ing the Blue Mountain fallow herd all those years ago!!!!!!!!!

    The odd letter to your favourite MP wouldn't hurt either!!!!!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The very interesting thing about the two websites I mentioned are that they both rely on facts, not innuendo. In the case of the 1080 science site, if people care to examine the section on the ERMA Index you will find literally HUNDREDS of extracts from DoC, AHB and ERMA evidence and other government / publicly funded organizations and by studying these you will see the distortions that have been fed to the public by the "unofficial" media statements which do not reflect the actual science (contained in the INDEX) which propaganda in fact mostly cannot justify the widespread application of 1080 poison.

    Contributors to the two sites include several INDEPENDENT (of government) PhD scientists and qualified Foresters. There is an ocean of difference in the comparative credibility of these independent people compared to government employees bound by employment and non-disclosure terms of employment contracts typical of DoC and most other government departments. Police are a government department too.

    Not many people are aware that the Animal health Board (AHB)was set up by a exclusive branch of high government which has powers to operate without reference to parliamentary public disclosure, in 1998, called "The Executive Committee". This executive Committee, chaired by the Governor General and including the Prime Minister and other senior Ministers operates outside normal parliamentary process. The AHB was set up by this "Committee' in the guise of A Charitable Society' and thus was exempt from public scrutiny, auditing, AND exempt from the official Information Act and Ombudsman Investigations;-- until 2013, when our public pressure brought in more public accountability. While being funded to the tune of over a billion $$ of public taxpayers funds via treasury, this protected semi secrete organization was allowed to promote mass spreading of 1080 poison along with government funded media cooperation to promote themselves outside the secrecy surrounding their accountability, which was inflicted on the unsuspecting (but paying) public of NZ.

    More recently, $5 million dollars of West Coast Regional Council ratepayers funds was secretly invested in the new 1080 factory set up in Rolleston, without any consultation with West Coast ratepayers. The CEO of the West Coast Regional Council, in cahoots with the Resource Consenting Authorities , which Nick Smith is the head of (Because he is Minister for the Environment), along with the government installed commissioners running E-Can, have become profiteering business associates of the poison and the poison factory which they also issue the resource consents for , to drop it all over their region.

    Police will do nothing about these occurrences, citing them as "Civil matters", not criminal matters.

    LoL !
    veitnamcam and blake like this.

  12. #27
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    The very interesting thing about the two websites I mentioned are that they both rely on facts, not innuendo. In the case of the 1080 science site, if people care to examine the section on the ERMA Index you will find literally HUNDREDS of extracts from DoC, AHB and ERMA evidence and other government / publicly funded organizations and by studying these you will see the distortions that have been fed to the public by the "unofficial" media statements which do not reflect the actual science (contained in the INDEX) which propaganda in fact mostly cannot justify the widespread application of 1080 poison.

    Contributors to the two sites include several INDEPENDENT (of government) PhD scientists and qualified Foresters. There is an ocean of difference in the comparative credibility of these independent people compared to government employees bound by employment and non-disclosure terms of employment contracts typical of DoC and most other government departments. Police are a government department too.

    Not many people are aware that the Animal health Board (AHB)was set up by a exclusive branch of high government which has powers to operate without reference to parliamentary public disclosure, in 1998, called "The Executive Committee". This executive Committee, chaired by the Governor General and including the Prime Minister and other senior Ministers operates outside normal parliamentary process. The AHB was set up by this "Committee' in the guise of A Charitable Society' and thus was exempt from public scrutiny, auditing, AND exempt from the official Information Act and Ombudsman Investigations;-- until 2013, when our public pressure brought in more public accountability. While being funded to the tune of over a billion $$ of public taxpayers funds via treasury, this protected semi secrete organization was allowed to promote mass spreading of 1080 poison along with government funded media cooperation to promote themselves outside the secrecy surrounding their accountability, which was inflicted on the unsuspecting (but paying) public of NZ.

    More recently, $5 million dollars of West Coast Regional Council ratepayers funds was secretly invested in the new 1080 factory set up in Rolleston, without any consultation with West Coast ratepayers. The CEO of the West Coast Regional Council, in cahoots with the Resource Consenting Authorities , which Nick Smith is the head of (Because he is Minister for the Environment), along with the government installed commissioners running E-Can, have become profiteering business associates of the poison and the poison factory which they also issue the resource consents for , to drop it all over their region.

    Police will do nothing about these occurrences, citing them as "Civil matters", not criminal matters.

    LoL !
    No corruption in little ol NZ tho ay...yea right.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Thumbs up

    [QUOTE=turtle;443770]Was down Haast recently, they are as expected anti 1080. Given tip by "Vocal Local" to read book "The Third Wave" Poisoning the Land by W F Benefield.

    This a book that should be taught in schools today about NZ history and how we have come to destroy "Godwana" since the the first immigrants arrived. 1080 is an empire building exercise.

    Yes Turtle. The author sent me a copy and I read it again just recently. It is certainly an eye opener & explains NZ's geological and fauna history from way way back.
    One particular section talks about how open the Moa caused the forests to be by their browsing of the vegetation !!! So open in the under story that the worlds largest eagle ( the Haast Eagle) could fly through the forested areas freely without smacking into trees!!!! I don't think the 250,000 odd deer and the odd possum is causing THAT sort of browsing modification to our forests despite what the propaganda merchants in the Dept of Constipation and their tame tree huggers might say.

    Great book, every library & school should have a copy. If they haven't?? get onto them or buy a copy

    and donate a copy to them.

    I'm glad you brought the subject up

    Last edited by top gun; 24-02-2016 at 10:34 AM.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    The very interesting thing about the two websites I mentioned are that they both rely on facts, not innuendo. In the case of the 1080 science site, if people care to examine the section on the ERMA Index you will find literally HUNDREDS of extracts from DoC, AHB and ERMA evidence and other government / publicly funded organizations and by studying these you will see the distortions that have been fed to the public by the "unofficial" media statements which do not reflect the actual science (contained in the INDEX) which propaganda in fact mostly cannot justify the widespread application of 1080 poison.

    Contributors to the two sites include several INDEPENDENT (of government) PhD scientists and qualified Foresters. There is an ocean of difference in the comparative credibility of these independent people compared to government employees bound by employment and non-disclosure terms of employment contracts typical of DoC and most other government departments. Police are a government department too.

    Not many people are aware that the Animal health Board (AHB)was set up by a exclusive branch of high government which has powers to operate without reference to parliamentary public disclosure, in 1998, called "The Executive Committee". This executive Committee, chaired by the Governor General and including the Prime Minister and other senior Ministers operates outside normal parliamentary process. The AHB was set up by this "Committee' in the guise of A Charitable Society' and thus was exempt from public scrutiny, auditing, AND exempt from the official Information Act and Ombudsman Investigations;-- until 2013, when our public pressure brought in more public accountability. While being funded to the tune of over a billion $$ of public taxpayers funds via treasury, this protected semi secrete organization was allowed to promote mass spreading of 1080 poison along with government funded media cooperation to promote themselves outside the secrecy surrounding their accountability, which was inflicted on the unsuspecting (but paying) public of NZ.

    More recently, $5 million dollars of West Coast Regional Council ratepayers funds was secretly invested in the new 1080 factory set up in Rolleston, without any consultation with West Coast ratepayers. The CEO of the West Coast Regional Council, in cahoots with the Resource Consenting Authorities , which Nick Smith is the head of (Because he is Minister for the Environment), along with the government installed commissioners running E-Can, have become profiteering business associates of the poison and the poison factory which they also issue the resource consents for , to drop it all over their region.

    Police will do nothing about these occurrences, citing them as "Civil matters", not criminal matters.

    LoL !
    Yes Woody, you're spot on!!! It is interesting that at least three scientists that we know of, who were employed by the Dept of Corruption or associated Govt organisations, who tabled reports about the damage caused by 1080 to the native fauna ( birds,insects etc ) lost their jobs and their reports never saw the light of day!!!
    Secret Executive Committees and untouchable Charitable Societies?????? You'd think George Orwell MIGHT have known what was in store for us????

    Keen_outdoorsman likes this.



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