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Thread: Lost in the bush

  1. #16
    Member Sako851's Avatar
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    Gore District
    Post from @Strummer
    Nothing too bad/exciting...was hunting solo in a remote spot on Stewart Island/Rakiura. It can get very tight bush in places, and creeks don't always run to the sea. I was trying to head back to the hut. I'd been walking for a bit (I'd been distracted by watching a kiwi playing around by my feet) when I thought "hmmm, I'm not sure where the coastline is any more, and I have no bearings". The forest was very thick with a closed canopy and I couldn't get any GPS signal through it. It was cloudy and I couldn't see the sun through the trees either. My pulse started quickening as I realised I was bushed. I sat down, took a breather and tried to keep calm. My watch has a compass so I slowly used that, with the topomap on my phone, to figure out roughly where I was. Turns out I had been going in totally the wrong direction for the past half hour. It wouldn't have been a total disaster, as I was on a peninsula and would've found the coast eventually, but it was enough of a fright to focus the senses!

  2. #17
    Member Sako851's Avatar
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    Looks like the thread doubled up when I made it or when i tried to edit I made a new one. I have copy and pasted strummers story here

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Te Waipounamu
    Yes I've spent three unexpected nights out now. I've discovered the hardest part of spending a night out is accepting that it's going to happen. The first two nights I spent out I walked, faster and faster, trying to get back to the hut until it was completely dark and I was stressed and sweating. A cold, miserable night was the result.
    The third time I accepted a half hour before dark that I was not going to get back to the hut and spent the time collecting firewood and getting a fire going. I had a reasonably comfortable night even though it rained.

  4. #19
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Was at piropiro flats a few weeks back with a school .group. there was also a Hamilton nzda hunt on. One of the guys was hunting off the timber trail . At one point he saw something standing out in the bush. It turned out to be a lady cyclist standing there with a roll of toilet paper in her hand. She had gone off for a dump and couldn't find her way back to the track. Lucky he turned up

  5. #20
    Member Sako851's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backcountry Bob View Post
    Yes I've spent three unexpected nights out now. I've discovered the hardest part of spending a night out is accepting that it's going to happen. The first two nights I spent out I walked, faster and faster, trying to get back to the hut until it was completely dark and I was stressed and sweating. A cold, miserable night was the result.
    The third time I accepted a half hour before dark that I was not going to get back to the hut and spent the time collecting firewood and getting a fire going. I had a reasonably comfortable night even though it rained.
    Good to take that time to prepare I see. Time much better spent preparing

  6. #21
    Member Sako851's Avatar
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    Haha classic, I’m sure I read on here someone got lost taking a dump in the middle of the night one time, can’t remember who it was though! @Chur Bay



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