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Thread: LOST Kontiki

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by stingray View Post
    Bit of an aside , on a friends boat set the hook line last weekend returned to find both floats close together…I closed my eyes an know the shit show that was unfolding…half grown bronze wrapped in line turned a long line into hours of pain ..

    Blessed be the Kontiki fisherman who throws money attached to a baited line into the sea and hopes that it will return with fish and his investment.
    yea im not gonna put it out again around here.another bloke this morning got 4 sharks on a pull.
    stingray likes this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    My first kontiki got caught on THE REEF off Otamarakau (don't go there) and it took ages for the Navara to bust the line off. Got 3 good snapper though but no Kontiki.
    I notified Seahorse then waited 3 weeks. Bugger this. I bought another.

    Cheaper than owning a boat.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    South Waikato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickoli View Post
    ......Porangahau tax.
    Nah everywhere.
    Overkill is still dead.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Although waiting for the perfect wind was a pita, the old sail rafts were great & cheap as.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Working on the charter boat for the last 17 years off Muriwai and Baileys Beach, we have rescued about 15 torpedo's and approx 10 Kite lines......
    Found 2 torpedo's on consecutive days.....both owned by the same guy. He needed fish for his daughters 21st.....set the first one and lost it....raced back to town and bought a second one and put it out the following morning and lost that one. No ph number on the first one.....Rang the ph number on the second one and a familiar voice answered.........He was a regular on the boat..... dropped both at his place off on my way home along with 10 snapper up to 15lbs that I had caught. He reciprocated with 2 bottles of 12yr old Glenfiddich and an invitation to his daughters 21st.
    Amazing the number of owners that dont put a ph number on them......normally contact the agents and give them the serial number so they can look it up on their records......
    Found one that was crusted with barnacles, rang the number and the guy had lost it 9 months earlier in Hokitika.....Luckily his daughter lived in Auckland. Dropped it off to her and she took it down on her next trip home....
    Micky Duck, Chur Bay and ROKTOY like this.



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