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Thread: The Lucky Country

  1. #16
    Member username's Avatar
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    On that note you will fit in in QT coz every bastard there is australian.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #17
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by username View Post
    On that note you will fit in in QT coz every bastard there is australian.
    Username there is at least one Kiwi down there as my brother lives there.
    initiaz likes this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
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  3. #18
    Member username's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Username there is at least one Kiwi down there as my brother lives there.
    Sweet hes a lucky man its an awesome place! Better than effn waimate. I would be there in a heart beat if i could get a job that kept me in the life i have become accustomed to

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #19
    Member Hayden C's Avatar
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    Otago/Canterbury region. Never far from good hunting. You don’t have enough toes to go to Hokitika.


    You: Big push on sustainability and resource management at present. Sounds like you would slot into a local/regional government role (Environmental management, trade waste etc) or private sector your options are consultancy firms (Opus, SKM etc) Fish and Game + DOC are other options but don’t come up often enough.

    If you were looking at going to the BOP then I could defiantly put you in front of some potential employers, nevertheless I shall keep an ear to the ground for you.

    Your partner: Anywhere but more likely to find a position in one of the main centres. She will probably find work fairly quickly resulting in plenty of hunting time when you arrive

    Do it, you will probably never leave.
    Last edited by Hayden C; 13-02-2014 at 08:00 PM.
    gadgetman and shift14 like this.

  5. #20
    K95 is offline
    Member K95's Avatar
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    Too many hunters in hokitika and too little country for them all to hunt, rubbish spot
    Christchurch is the town of dreams!
    Munsey and Pengy like this.

  6. #21
    Member Bavarian_Hunter's Avatar
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    Thanks guys awesome info, we had a chat after work and both keen on the idea. She does tend to think with emotion rather than reason but I have gotten through to her that logic is the way to go. Thinking we might finish saving for a house here, buy one, rent it out and then go.

    I'd prefer to live somewhere with more kiwis, they seem to be a lot nicer than arsehole aussies!

  7. #22
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr-Bound View Post
    Too many hunters in hokitika and too little country for them all to hunt, rubbish spot
    Christchurch is the town of dreams!
    2006 census says the population was 3078 in Hokitika. Jeezus, we used to get that many in my local pub on a good saturday night
    Met some good bastards from that town on a SAR course up here recently.

  8. #23
    Member Bavarian_Hunter's Avatar
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    or is hokitika awesome and you guys don't want one more there? haha

  9. #24
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Depends if you like rain...

  10. #25
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    I actually don't like Queenstown very much - I like most of the places around it, but QT itself has far too many pretentious posers thinking they're better than everybody else. Lived in Cromwell for a couple of years and enjoyed it there, quieter friendlier place than QT but still close to all the good stuff in the area. Bunny shooting paradise as well.

    Anywhere in Caterbury/Otago/Southland is good for hunting and general outdoor antics, as others have said your best bet for jobs will be local/regional councils or DOC.
    Wildman, HUNTY and gadgetman like this.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    +1 My first thought as well.
    Wanaka is pretty expensive compared to a lot of places i believe.
    So this means missus has done her home work before coming...sweet... she must be knowing the spot x already but if u ask a gently.. 2moros the day that mite help..

    Hapi valentines mates..

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bavarian_Hunter View Post
    Thanks guys awesome info, we had a chat after work and both keen on the idea. She does tend to think with emotion rather than reason but I have gotten through to her that logic is the way to go. Thinking we might finish saving for a house here, buy one, rent it out and then go.

    I'd prefer to live somewhere with more kiwis, they seem to be a lot nicer than arsehole aussies!
    BUTTER aint expensive here.... lol

  13. #28
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    bring her over for a holiday.
    tour the south is.
    do what you want to do everywhere except where you want to live.
    when in the area you want to live do all the chick shit eat out party shag her brains out every day and basicly make it a time to remember(for her)

    you will be moved in less than 3 months
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  14. #29
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    South Island with the Mrs being a nurse I'd pick Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin, Invercargill (if you don't mind the cold but everywhere probably will be for you anyway). Christchurch isn't too bad now, plenty of open spaces, particularly in the central city area. It is slowly being rebuilt. Rentals here are expensive because there are a few less houses and a lot of extra bodies in for the rebuild.

    With anywhere here the distances are not that great to get to anywhere else anyway. Hokitika is only a slow 4 hour drive away, you could nip over the bumpy bits, nab some of R93's reds (that are not there) and nip back again to dry your feet. Three to four hours will get you into wallaby, cham, tahr, just about anything country.

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  15. #30
    Member JayColli's Avatar
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    Might find something at the above site for yourself as I'm always trawling it looking for planning jobs and I've seen a few natural resource management jobs go by over the last couple months.

    Anyways, I'm in the same position as you are - girlfriend wants exciting lively town and I just want to hunt dammit!! I've liked in Cromwell and QT for a couple of months each and QT definitely takes the cake for things to do and has shit-your-pants scenery everywhere. Most of the 'affordable' rentals my friends had in actual QT were terrible so try and find something in Frankton is you can (Lakes District Hospital happens to be there too).



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