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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Mangatarere Vally - Tararuas

    Hi Guys

    Just wanted to get some info if any of you guys have recently been out here. What is the condition of the Mangatarere Valley Road and the access tracks. Will a sedan go up till the very road end to where the access track is starting from.

    I read that this is the shortest access to Totara Flats and has loads of flat grassy land and good valley in between.

    Do let know if you have details about this..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Upper Hutt
    Hi Initiaz, I'm not sure if this helps: Tararua Tramping Club | Tararua Footprints / Mangatarere Valley No mention of it needing 4wd access.

    If you go that way and decide it's too rough you could always backtrack to Waiohine Gorge Rd - it's a bit rough but doable in a sedan I think.

  3. #3
    308 is offline
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    I can't tell you what condition Mangaterere Road is in but Waiohine Gorge Rd is a go for any vehicle except a lowered boy racer - the sidestreams as you go from Waiohine towards Totara Flats have now got 3 new swingbridges and I'd say it would be a slow walk of mebbe 4hrs in from the roadend

    If you go here and download maps 33 and 34 the area you want is in between
    Map Chooser - Wellington | Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) - Toit

    I just magnify the area I want til it fills my screen, hit the "print screen" button and print it out as a map



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