ever given a thought to carrying a couple of lengths of day glo material on ya person -xcould come in bloody handy to indicate to a res cue helicopter.When im out duckshooting Imalways aware this is a risky business and more importantly not so much cuts or physical injury bqcause the severity becomes bloody obvious aso does your reaction but also heart attacks stroke etc -dont kid yourself it cant happen -my fathers last outing on earth was duckshooting -he succumbed to a stroke whilst sitting in his van as hias mate checked the boat on the trailer.
be arware of your mates-if they have a medical history be aware of that too.
hows your CPR-thought about updating it??.me Ive had 3 no shit sherlock tryouts and i can assure you Its nowt like a training scenario-its head down asre up 175%adrenaline-and cursing that anyone should inconvenience you by attempting to die in your presence(ok thats slightly fatuous)
We;ll done OP-using your nowse and getting through what could have been a real shit hamburger.