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Thread: Minister of Conservation

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by TLB View Post
    Yeah well out of touch. I might be wrong but can DoC contractors even use Robinson helicopters anymore?
    Be a 500 at a damn sight more than what you quoted.
    Yeah it does need more shot, I don't think the NZDA or anyone else would argue with that, but it was a start and a start showing that hunters are prepared to have deer culled and would be happy to help if they could. Simple as that.
    And with the latest budget that was announced there will be plenty more government funded shooting going on in the future no doubt.
    OK then how much is the going rate per hour for an r22 to do search and destroy on pests/game. Also a Cabri G2 has the same performance etc and are used by DOC. Look forward to your answer.

  2. #32
    Member Carbine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puddleduk View Post
    OK then how much is the going rate per hour for an r22 to do search and destroy on pests/game. Also a Cabri G2 has the same performance etc and are used by DOC. Look forward to your answer.
    From memory( lots of holes in it ) it was no r22's because of the crash stats for r22's could be wrong

    some afterthought googling
    "Department of Conservation extends Robinson helicopter ban over safety concerns"
    The Department of Conservation (DOC) has extended a ban on Robinson Helicopters to include contractors, sub-contractors and volunteers carrying out department work.

    DOC is the biggest user of helicopters in New Zealand, spending about $20 million a year.

    In 2016 it banned staff from using Robinsons after the helicopters were placed on the Transport Accident Investigation Commission’s watchlist following several fatal crashes.

    DOC aviation risk manager Brent Swanson said the policy was extended from Monday due to the risks associated with Robinson helicopters.
    Last edited by Carbine; 15-06-2022 at 06:59 PM.

  3. #33
    Member Carbine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulcannz View Post
    Took me a good 20 seconds to find...

    sent emails and left phone messages none were replied to so they can stick it

    Its 2022 to not be able to go to the website enter some details and do it online no hassles job done in 10 min is abit retarded in my books
    shows how behind the times they are to be so ignorant/arrogant whatever the reason is

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Carbine View Post
    From memory( lots of holes in it ) it was no r22's because of the crash stats for r22's could be wrong

    some afterthought googling
    "Department of Conservation extends Robinson helicopter ban over safety concerns"
    The Department of Conservation (DOC) has extended a ban on Robinson Helicopters to include contractors, sub-contractors and volunteers carrying out department work.

    DOC is the biggest user of helicopters in New Zealand, spending about $20 million a year.

    In 2016 it banned staff from using Robinsons after the helicopters were placed on the Transport Accident Investigation Commission’s watchlist following several fatal crashes.

    DOC aviation risk manager Brent Swanson said the policy was extended from Monday due to the risks associated with Robinson helicopters.
    You wouldn't want Doc to have anything to do with the actual culling. Judging by their actions on tahr the last few years everything would cop it.

  5. #35
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Flyblown View Post
    Introduced animals are going to get hammered irrespective of who is minister. Because it is necessary.

    We are at a decades long peak of ungulate population in most environments. The deer numbers in the central North Island need to be seen to be believed. Hawkes Bay ditto. Most of the sensible guys down south are reporting the same.

    Sometimes you have to take a long view on matters like this and stop protecting short-term sport interests. I can take you to places in the central north island where you can walk all day and barely touch a branch in the understory of regenerative native. It’s fucked.

    A balanced perspective is required.
    I'm generally pretty busy, and suspect you are too? Given that, I expect it'll be difficult to find a mutually suitable time for us to go for this walk you're offering. Can I therefore suggest you just pm me a desscription or a map of the problem areas so I can go for a look?

    Woody and Flyblown like this.

  6. #36
    Member Carbine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puddleduk View Post
    You wouldn't want Doc to have anything to do with the actual culling. Judging by their actions on tahr the last few years everything would cop it.
    or you could put condition like all animals must be harvested for food and give the meat, processed to food banks like the sika foundation do instead of leaving bodies on the hills so there is some benefit to taking animals off the hills
    stingray and Happy Jack like this.

  7. #37
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    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx View Post
    I'm generally pretty busy, and suspect you are too? Given that, I expect it'll be difficult to find a mutually suitable time for us to go for this walk you're offering. Can I therefore suggest you just pm me a desscription or a map of the problem areas so I can go for a look?

    If it is such a huge problem, and if much more culling is required, then why not post a list of areas publicly? Ordered from most deer to least deer (not for me, I never hunt up north).

    Edit: sorry, this quote was supposed to include the post you replied to.
    Last edited by bang; 15-06-2022 at 07:47 PM. Reason: incorrect quote

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    North Loburn
    Another vote of confidence for ex Minister Kiri Allan from bigoted me.I instinctively dont gravitate to Lesbian Left Wing polys.But I,ve eaten my words and have been so impressed with her no pity Cancer bounce back.Her natural charm.As a first term newbee MP thrust by Jizzy(unusually)straight into a portfolio she made a good fist of it
    Not only was she more pro hunter than any previous DOC minister I can remember,I believe she @ the 11th hour saved whitebaiting as a kiwi right whereas Sage had it heading for the history books.
    Woody, Micky Duck and woods223 like this.

  9. #39
    Gone but not forgotten
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    I was impressed with Kiri Allan when I did my submission on the new gun laws, she paid attention to what people were saying and asked intelligent questions.
    Woody and Micky Duck like this.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZQLewis View Post
    Maybe you should have seen KA's Facebook post 5th June. Table full of freshly butchered wild venison.
    I think she listened to hunters voices more than any precious minister in the last few year few years.
    I have friends in DOC and they enjoyed what I think they considered a more open 2 way conversation that KA allowed compared to Sage before her.
    My group has had a long running dispute with Doc- we applied for a concession SEVEN years ago..Nada, no progress at all! I wrote to Kiri in May, she obviously booted somebody's arse, and we had a long reply by way of apology that arrived 3 days after she lost the DoC position. I wish she'd stayed on.
    Woody and Ned like this.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Carbine View Post
    sent emails and left phone messages none were replied to so they can stick it

    Its 2022 to not be able to go to the website enter some details and do it online no hassles job done in 10 min is abit retarded in my books
    shows how behind the times they are to be so ignorant/arrogant whatever the reason is
    Its neither ignorance or arrogance. Nor is it retarded. It is an organisation that depends heavily on branch members generously doing voluntary work in their own time. To the NZDA's credit they are modernising and centralising their systems. A visit to their National office would quickly convince you that they are not behind the times at all.

    You persevering and making an effort to join your local branch would be a positive contribution to hunting in NZ.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    King Country
    Quote Originally Posted by XR500 View Post
    Surely this has a better fit with the last thread post: "Turkeys"
    With a gobble here and a gobble there...everywhere a gobble gobble.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Another vote here for Kiri. I think she was far too rational to be allowed to continue as minister of doc. A shame imo.
    Ranger 888 likes this.
    Summer grass
    Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    A side issue with control is the fact that (as far as I remain aware) you cannot recover any venison for commercial sale from an area that has recently had a poison control program undertaken which is basically all of NZ. That really puts a headache into the recovery aspect and basically limits commercial to destroy missions. It's quite wasteful.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    It’s a 2k buffer and 4 month stand down for 1080, there’s plenty of venison recovery going on at the moment



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