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Thread: Moose !!!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    You cannot dismiss the facts, the sign , browse lines and DNA are sure signs moose exist. This sighting only confirms the fact they are still there but in very low numbers as sightings like this are as rare as hens teeth. I hope there are enough around to keep the population going. As for shooting one down there …. no, better to use a camera.
    takbok likes this.

  2. #17
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bang View Post
    I think i saw/read the same or a similar material on Ken. One of the quotes that stuck with me was at the end when they asked him if he did find one and get a photo or other clear evidence, would he actually tell the media and make a big thing of it. he said no....
    Haha theres your evidence right there that kens in a dreamland . Hes for years made a big thing in the media and where ever he can be heard on trying to prove that moose exist.
    Everytime the media goes cold on the subject surprise, surprise, some report or some evidence appears and hes in the thick of it.
    Im convinced hes drummed it up himself or has influenced people involved to keep the dream alive. All evidence to date is very debatable . Theres still no real 100 % evidence out there that moose are still alive in NZ.
    Thousands of game cam pictures in so called known areas have produced nothing.
    Years of helicopters flying over the area and just now the only so called sighting from some 24 year old who just happens to team up with KEN and go for a look and find no evidence at all , not even a footprint of a very heavy animal seen not long before for a couple of seconds in the air(no doubt a deer)

    Hours of searching from someone that wants to believe that moose are there so badly influence sign you see etc to a bias level and you convince yourself its a moose when it could and is likely a deer instead.
    Nope, said it before, until someone shoots one, gets a proven photo or get s 100 % certain evidence ones there its all make believe.

    Sorry, Moose arent a smart animal, they huge, yes, its a big area but so many years gone by, so many years searching, so many aircraft flying over. Trail cams set up, it goes on and on.
    Yes, still nothing that confirms anything. Reminds me of loch ness, no proven facts but so called sightings that always come up etc.
    And that statement above about he wouldnt tell the media or make a big deal about it is a joke lol
    He and supporters been making a big deal about it for years and he still pops up to have his time in the flood lights.

  3. #18
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    Jan 2019
    Tustin got hair that was proven to be moose when its dna was tested .https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/a...ectid=10348890
    Ngahere likes this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Greetings All,
    Isn't it great that mention of an animal that may have died out in NZ decades ago can still generate interest. Moose, or Elk as they are known in Scandinavia, clearly survived and bred in NZ for over 40 years. This was in spite of their liberation in an area unsuited to them. Was the shooting of a bull and a cow in 1952 the last straw for them? Possibly, probably even. There were however still moose remaining in late 1952. Today who would know for sure. Probably they are all gone and yet it is still OK to dream a little.
    Phil_H likes this.

  5. #20
    308 is offline
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    The DNA evidence shows that they have survived here for a long time with no support, it's not a huge stretch to assume that some are still alive

    As to their elusiveness, people on this forum more so than any other group should know how stags can be "bush ninjas" - why shouldn't a moose hide and do it successfully?

  6. #21
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Moose, or Elk as they are known in Scandinavia...

  7. #22
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarvo View Post
    Shoot with Camera
    Get it to hold up latest News Paper showing date 1st
    you would make a poor defenceless animal touch such garbage as "the herald" or "dominion" or "press"?............
    you sick depraved man ......a selfie would be more appropriate in these times........

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Isn't it great that mention of an animal that may have died out in NZ decades ago can still generate interest. Moose, or Elk as they are known in Scandinavia, clearly survived and bred in NZ for over 40 years. This was in spite of their liberation in an area unsuited to them. Was the shooting of a bull and a cow in 1952 the last straw for them? Possibly, probably even. There were however still moose remaining in late 1952. Today who would know for sure. Probably they are all gone and yet it is still OK to dream a little.
    There's no doubt we all live in hope. Imagine the headlines if there was indisputable evidence a moose were discovered alive! So yes, its great that an animal which might have last been seen in the mid-1970's can generate so much interest.


    Yes, evidently. If I recall correctly it was around 1974 and the sighting was made by a very well known Forest Service worker.

    Would I shoot one if I stumbled across one...? No way in hell would I pull the trigger. Would I tell the world I saw one? Probably not until I was on my deathbed.
    grandpamac likes this.

  9. #24
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    I just think it is kinda cool. I have never met Ken but both he and his wife strike me as good people. Logic would suggest to me that the shear volume of effort that two obviously intelligent people have put in is for a very good reason. There is enough evidence to keep them coming back. I have never seen a moose in the flesh but I sure as hell would know one if I saw one. As for shooting one, well damned if you do, damned if you don't. Simply by reading through this post it is clear that even a photo would be questioned too For me if I shot one, a little piece of me would die with it. I would suggest the people who would shoot one are probably the people who need their name in the paper or the recognition of others. They would also fit largely within the 'if I don't shoot it someone else will' and 'no one will tell me what I can and cant shoot' band. If I saw a moose in Fiordland, I would live with a smile on my face whenever I think back on it. If I possibly signed the death of a mystical species in NZ it would always be remembered with sadness. I understand why Ken might say nothing. There is always some glory hunter out there who would just want to rush down and shoot the last one.
    Cowboy, R93, tetawa and 1 others like this.

  10. #25
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    People have bloody short memories regarding the DNA results it seems.

    Twist the story and remember what you want to remember seems to be the modern thing.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by paremata View Post
    Tustin got hair that was proven to be moose when its dna was tested .https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/a...ectid=10348890
    There was like a whole lot more to it than that.

  12. #27
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    care to enlarge on that?

  13. #28
    A shortish tall guy ROKTOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tribrit View Post
    There was like a whole lot more to it than that.
    Tribit, could you please elaborate? It's always good to here more info on the topic.

  14. #29
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    We should let another pair go to give this one some company. Think how lonely this moose has been all these years
    tetawa, stingray and 223nut like this.

  15. #30
    R93 is offline
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    Having met Ken T I think he is an intelligent and methodical person.

    Besides, what sane person would waste so much time, money and energy searching for something that they think, is not there?
    Don't forget his wife must be crazy as well.

    Dunno what I believe. Is it possible there are moose still in Nz? Imo yup.
    I can tell you Ken believes it and is rather convincing face to face.

    I have only helped kill a handful of moose but I have seen and watched hundreds in their native areas.
    Theyre not dumb. But can be deceived.
    They can hide in plain site. Sneak up to with in yrds of people looking for them and dissappear in a flash once someone makes a mistake.
    Same as any large game animal.

    Hands down they're my favorite animal to hunt. I just don't like all the work after you get one.
    It not until you size one up on the ground do you appreciate how huge these animals are. The head alone weighs as much as some yearlings I have shot.
    I have been told a moose story that has me scratching my head due to the location and credibility of the witness just thru his innocent ignorance of what he was looking at. He thought it was a funny looking horse and thought nothing of it.

    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.



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