Were does it say you cannot use goats or llamas ?
Were does it say you cannot use goats or llamas ?
From the national parks act National Parks Act 1980 No 66 (as at 26 March 2015), Public Act – New Zealand Legislation
60 Offences in parks
Every person commits an offence against this Act who, without being authorised by the Minister (the proof of which shall be on the person charged) or by any bylaw made under this Act,—
causes or allows any animal owned by him or under his control to trespass on any park; or
takes any animal into or liberates any animal in any park; or
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Geez that's intense reading there thanks so much for POINTING THAT OUT STUG guess I shouldn't have been silly enough to ask!...so that says national parks what about forest parks is that included ? if so I have been naughty in that I saddle up my 4 & 7 yo girls ponys and go for walks in the bushbut now that I think about it there is a lot of doc land down here were you are aloud to ride horses on doc land.
You might be alright in some forest parks or other DoC reserves with horses, but even then DoC limit them a lot.
Horse riding areas in Southland Horse riding: Things to do
Took the horses up mavora a couple of years ago awesome ride got all settled in at boundry hut with the missz ,spotted a cham just on evening from the hut porch I though that's me first thing but latter that night the hut was rocking & it wasn't me playing hide the sausage the wind was howling you could hear it coming before it hit the hut & that was on the sheltered side of the hill how the horses were still in the paddock was a miracle driving rain the lot ..defiantly on the todo list again