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Thread: New to NZ

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2020
    West Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    awesome writeup and really good of you young man to take this other young fella out..... plenty of folks will have done far worse with all the mod cons and no stuff ups..... go the forum and long may the good will that made this possible continue.
    Hugshe did really well. Originally Id planned on camping in a high basin, but along with everything else, we kind of lost our weather window too, so I opted for a lower elevation with more shelter but a good 18k walk in. Then we got there to find the hut we'd planned to base out of, was closed at the last minute for renovation.
    And we did load up on the way out with most of the bull Tahr, which was rolling in fat. Plus the best bits of the chamois and the heads. Which he coped with really well. Also it was pleasure to see him shoot, the first Buck needed a very quick decision and shot from a steep bank free hand at 80-100 yards. The bull was steep downhill at a line of sight of around 250 from the only semi flatish spot available.
    I can tell you that given how the trip started, I was quietly ecstatic when the first buck went down.
    Dingo likes this.



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