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Thread: NZDA worth joining.

  1. #61
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    I heard the new president is heaps better than the old one @Rogers270
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  2. #62
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    I heard the new president is heaps better than the old one @Rogers270
    While I know them both one has only just left and one has only just started so it would be unfair to comment on either of them wouldent it @kiwijames?

    Sent from my SM-G800Y using Tapatalk
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  3. #63
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    No, I am not currently a member, hence my visit to the web site.
    Firstlly, I am not condemning NZDA without first being armed with facts. I was simply pointing out that as a potential new member, who is against the wide spread us of ariel applied 1080, it was something of a surprise after reading your statement about the organisation being anti 1080, to be greeted on the home page by a huge DOC/Battle for the birds advert.
    Everyone is, or should by now be aware of what this `battle` entails in terms of 1080, so it seems at odds with the supposed NZDA attitude.
    Mixed messages being sent out ?? Bit like going on the cat protection league website and being greeted by Gareth morgan

    As for the survey, I could not see anything there to protest the use of 1080, simply options to have a say about timing of drops and inclusion of deer repellent.
    The fact that our major hunting organisation fights to have deer repellent used, rather than trying to get a total ban, smacks of self interest, especially to the non hunting franternity.

    I honestly believe that the vast majority of hunters here are conservation minded, but that some are being mis represented.

    Will I be joining any time soon?? I doubt it.
    Please explain the self interest bit? Are you going all Trump on me and suggesting there is some type of agenda "for the boys" at higher level within NZDA? I can pretty much guarantee there isn't but I've been out of the game for a while now.
    You're in Nelson, or close enough. Go see Bill O'Leary and find out from the horses mouth yourself.
    They are still lobbying for a 1080 alternative with the removal of all poisons but, you have to win a few more battle to win a war and the biggest battle is within. Hunters would have to be the most shit group of people to try and get some cohesion with. Take a good look at this forum for starters, then for a real scare, look at the other pub. After that ask yourself who's going into bat for you for anything hunting related? Gareth Morgan? He might get you some small game hunting, could end up being on the fringe for legal though.
    We (hunters) need NZDA cause no one else will do it for us, so get off your ass and go to a meeting at least to confirm your prejudice.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  4. #64
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    No, I am not currently a member, hence my visit to the web site.
    Firstlly, I am not condemning NZDA without first being armed with facts. I was simply pointing out that as a potential new member, who is against the wide spread us of ariel applied 1080, it was something of a surprise after reading your statement about the organisation being anti 1080, to be greeted on the home page by a huge DOC/Battle for the birds advert.
    Everyone is, or should by now be aware of what this `battle` entails in terms of 1080, so it seems at odds with the supposed NZDA attitude.
    Mixed messages being sent out ?? Bit like going on the cat protection league website and being greeted by Gareth morgan

    As for the survey, I could not see anything there to protest the use of 1080, simply options to have a say about timing of drops and inclusion of deer repellent.
    The fact that our major hunting organisation fights to have deer repellent used, rather than trying to get a total ban, smacks of self interest, especially to the non hunting franternity.

    I honestly believe that the vast majority of hunters here are conservation minded, but that some are being mis represented.

    Will I be joining any time soon?? I doubt it.
    As for the survey mentioned on the website i think you find its actually a link from the "Big Game Council". They the ones working with DOC on the herds of interest etc and they know full well that getting deer repellant and doing it at a time of year that suits hunters and the deer as one is the best they can try and do. Ending 1080 is just not going to happen. Clearly NZDA support the council and work with them to get what ever benifits they can but the Game Council is doing alot of the behind the scenes with DOC(with NZDA support)
    kiwijames likes this.

  5. #65
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    My name is Gapped axe and I'm a NZDA member, not of AA thou
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  6. #66
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Look at it from the point of view of the non hunting majority in NZ.
    On the one hand, NZDA say they are against ariel 1080
    On the other hand they seem to be saying. " oh well, we obviously cant stop the powers that be doing it, but please don't kill the deer, cos we want to" This is seen as self interest, whether it is true or not. All about perception.

    I sure am not going all Trump on you. I don't have the hair for starters. I am not against hunters having a voice, and I happen to agree that we as a collective are pretty hard to get agreement out of.

  7. #67
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    Look at it from the point of view of the non hunting majority in NZ.
    On the one hand, NZDA say they are against ariel 1080
    On the other hand they seem to be saying. " oh well, we obviously cant stop the powers that be doing it, but please don't kill the deer, cos we want to" This is seen as self interest, whether it is true or not. All about perception.

    I sure am not going all Trump on you. I don't have the hair for starters. I am not against hunters having a voice, and I happen to agree that we as a collective are pretty hard to get agreement out of.
    Fair enough, but I think theres a few too many degrees of separation there by my train of thought. I do admit NZDA website is pretty poor.
    deer243 likes this.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  8. #68
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    We all see things through our own eyes mate.
    I am sure other read it differently to me.

  9. #69
    308 is offline
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    "We have the exact same troubles at branch level - loud voices demanding results, that snap closed as soon as help is requested"

    Now ain't that exactly what happens at volunteering at all levels?

    Member NZDA Hutt branch here, 7 years plus.

    Like others I joined Wgtn NZDA and found it to be the proverbial old farts club (sorry Steve K) but then joined Hutt Valley and it is actually a living thing -

    As others have found, there are pockets of good cunts around the place and you just hook up with the right people; some NZDA branches are bearing fruit and some are dead wood

    To OP's question as to join or not it seems to depend entirely on where in the country you live
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  10. #70
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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  11. #71
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    "We have the exact same troubles at branch level - loud voices demanding results, that snap closed as soon as help is requested"

    Now ain't that exactly what happens at volunteering at all levels?

    Member NZDA Hutt branch here, 7 years plus.

    Like others I joined Wgtn NZDA and found it to be the proverbial old farts club (sorry Steve K) but then joined Hutt Valley and it is actually a living thing -

    As others have found, there are pockets of good cunts around the place and you just hook up with the right people; some NZDA branches are bearing fruit and some are dead wood

    To OP's question as to join or not it seems to depend entirely on where in the country you live
    Pretty sure the OP was a statement, not a question
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  12. #72
    GWH is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    When I was 16 I joined the Waikato branch of NZDA, they were bloody awesome. This was well before the Hunts programme etc. They had a hunt every month, a social meeting every month with a guest speaker. Really great bunch of guys.
    I joined the Canterbury/Christchurch branch back in the late 1990's. The monthly meeting was correspondence in and out etc, basically a committee meeting that everyone went to, very strange. They did have regular hunts though, went on a few of those and they people on them were great.
    But I haven't belonged to NZDA for nearly 20 years now.
    Napier's club nights are much the same, bor-fucker-ring, that's what committee nights are for. Never going to attract or keep new members like that. I have been to a couple of Hastings meetings and their vibe is a whole lot better.
    Last edited by GWH; 29-10-2016 at 12:15 AM.
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  13. #73
    If your not fast your last Shootm's Avatar
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    I've been a member of Manawatu branch for 24yrs. I still remember my first meeting and thought wtf is going on here lots of arguing and bitching at a monthly meeting. But wait until you got to an AGM holy f@#k. But i met some good guys my age and went hunting. Now that I'm one of the older faces and on commitee when I see a new face I say gidday. We have changed our meeting to guest speakers with 5 mins of club/commitee business. Commitee is there to sort the day to day club stuff the members don't want to know about rates and power bills. We have picked up a LOT of new members through Hunts courses range shooting and interesting speckers and a bloody good newsletter. We also try to do a hunt every month.

    It's the not what you get from a club it's what you put into it......

    Ps: Gong shoot tomorrow
    Last edited by Shootm; 29-10-2016 at 07:08 AM.

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  14. #74
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    While I know them both one has only just left and one has only just started so it would be unfair to comment on either of them wouldent it @kiwijames?

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    Unfair and Internet forums don't really go hand in glove.
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    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  15. #75
    Member Kooza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shootm View Post
    I've been a member of Manawatu branch for 24yrs. I still remember my first meeting and thought wtf is going on here lots of arguing and bitching at a monthly meeting. But wait until you got to an AGM holy f@#k. But i met some good guys my age and went hunting. Now that I'm one of the older faces and on commitee when I see a new face I say gidday. We have changed our meeting to guest speakers with 5 mins of club/commitee business. Commitee is there to sort the day to day club stuff the members don't want to know about rates and power bills. We have picked up a LOT of new members through Hunts courses range shooting and interesting speckers and a bloody good newsletter. We also try to do a hunt every month.

    It's the not what you get from a club it's what you put into it......

    Ps: Gong shoot tomorrow
    Napier branch have tried to speed up the blah blah at General meetings ( I'm the lucky secretary for last 3 years) and I to found too much debates on general meetings nights so we've made people aware committee nights are open for all and to table stuff then, on average meetings go for 15mins, we read the last minutes then open the floor for matters arising etc, run it as basic as can be really. Members do need to know about important info that relates to them but majority is done on committee nights.

    Last few meetings were good with guest speakers, Charlie janes and Dave sharpe, one before that at hunting and fishing Napier with the tatonka rep.

    As above you get out what you put in,

    I'll be touching base with Hastings to see how they do there meetings, if ours can be improved at. 15mins then a guest speaker seems ok, guys prob spend 15mins at a red light in Auckland traffic.

    Interesting thread this one
    Last edited by Kooza; 29-10-2016 at 08:25 AM.
    Shootm, Blaser and kiwijames like this.
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