Best bet would to Google 'NZDA branches' and see what comes up.
Mr Google has been very helpful in the past - for me and my 'less thoughtful' enquiries.
Best bet would to Google 'NZDA branches' and see what comes up.
Mr Google has been very helpful in the past - for me and my 'less thoughtful' enquiries.
Was thinking the same. Might email HnF head office and ask what the policy is with NZDA members so its clear. Blenheim seem good buggers so if they honour the 10 per cent could be well worth buying over the hill as i cant see nelson giving out 10 pcent unless its a national deal though head office as the email stated all senior members get 10 p cent, not at just some stores etc. Watch this space...
i think the line from H&F HO is it will be each stores decision
Yeah it's true. It's some half baked way to keep new members away, so the commitee can moan about memberships dropping (sarcasm). Last meeting I pointed out to a few committee members that only 8 out of 45+ members present were under the age of 50, and something had to change or the club was done for in 10 years. Lots of blowing of cheeks and shit. The old boys club aspect of my local is a point of contention. It's how a certain circle go takahe culling without the rest of the branch even being aware that it was going on. Debating as to whether I stay or not myself to be honest.
shit not the Hutt Valley Branch, we have a real wide range in age
Could well be right, but if the NZDA is stating you get 10 per cent then surely ringing around you going to find a store that honour it and just get them to ship it to you, even with freight still be cheaper depending on what you buy. Thats if you want shop at HnF for a start lol. I tend to go else where but always good to know what the deal is.
Have to say thou the emailed stated what the benefits discounts were, only two national ones. One , the interislander, two the HnF 10 per cent. Stated any other discounts were done at local branch level with any other stores or businesses and you have to contact them to see if any, so seems a national deal with HnFbut who knows.
Last edited by deer243; 26-10-2016 at 09:55 PM.
What do they class as a "senior" member?
I joined NZDA several years back, I wouldn't call myself a shy person but despite my best efforts I just got the feeling after several meetings that it was a bit of an old boys club and I gave up trying to include myself in any discussion or events and eventually stopped going. I have heard similar experiences from others also at different branches. If NZDA want to attract new members, and keep them, then that's an issue I think they have to look very hard at.