Graeme, I've been advised that a fresh sample is best, to put in the collection container with the preservative. Once the sample is in the container, it can be refrigerated until it's sent by courier. We also need pictures of the animal and that would be difficult once it's in the freezer.
This project isn't being financed by DoC, it's an international project that NZ has been dragging it's feet on and we need to provide the data that overseas conservation groups have been waiting for. One of our Committee Members is also on the International Rare Breeds Committee and has been embarrassed at times, by the Government's lack of interest in promoting genetic diversity, which is being pushed by many countries overseas. If we don't do this sort of research, we won't know what we've lost until it's gone. Then it's too late to do anything about saving critically endangered breeds.
Marty, thanks for volunteering. If you could email me your postal address, I can post/courier a collection pack out to you. My email address is;
I should be getting the sample containers this week, so I can send them out after that. Can you also let me know which area you'll be hunting in please.
So far I've got someone hunting in Leigh (near Warkworth) and in the Kaitaia area. I've also approached a hunting group in TeKuiti.