Going in the door
My hunting buddy came out with me
The other machine was there to pull the crew out that couldn't fit in the machine whith Max and I
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Agree let others raise the alarm if your ok but arent in serious trouble. That's why I got an InReach to add to the PLB. Primarily to give a means of non emergency communication to avoid a callout in the situation I have to wait for a river to drop etc. Or i used it when I ended up with a scalpel in the thigh to get medical advise whether i should use the PLB.
This is 100% incorrect.Plb is for life and death only
The decision to activate a beacon is far more circumstantial than that black and white statement.
Someone reading that and taking it as gospel may make a very poorly considered decision one day on their own, or someone else’s behalf.
I think it depends on how you read "life or death" if you take it to making sure decisions are made about it early and the fact a response will take time. Ie after cold water exposure before hypothermia sets in. If your lost and the only issue is your hungry it's a bit different to your lost it's raining and you have no shelter and will likely become hypothermic overnight. I do think it's should be made only for life and death situations but that you should be realistic about what could be life or death ie dont wait till you are on deaths door and required response times, whether over time your ability to make rational decisions will decline.