I know of someone who spent a week out injured simply because he had no PLB was lucky to survive.
I know of someone who spent a week out injured simply because he had no PLB was lucky to survive.
Happy Jack.
Me on the long line
Pretty cool when you look back on it 10 years later
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
The PLB made a very bad day end pretty well.
I probably would have survived a night on the hill.
But only if my foreign hunting companion could have gotten to our camp and back to me that night.
Then we would have had another 3 days waiting for the scheduled helicopter pick up to find our abandoned camp and raise the alarm.
That would have been agony for us both
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
In 12 years of owning one, I have never pushed the button on mine but I reckon it doesn’t owe me anything either, I still do all the usual of letting someone know my eta at home, trip plan etc, but since I have had it, I have had much more confidence to do bigger trips solo. My partner quite often does solo trips too since I bought one for her.
One thing I have always wondered about and am interested to hear the forum wisdom on, is what about if you’re ok but overdue?
Example scenario could be due home Sunday night but still waiting for a flood to subside on Tuesday morning. You’re dry and warm and fed but you know people are worried and maybe even looking for you.
Should you press the button so they can find you fast and get on with their day?
This is me on the long line out of the hole I was in
Then they landed me on the ridge and did another assessment
Came back and landed beside me and loaded me inside the machine with my head by the pilots feet and looking up through the rotors
Two helicopters up on the ridge and another waiting in Franz with a 4 person medical team to start work there
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Going in the door
My hunting buddy came out with me
The other machine was there to pull the crew out that couldn't fit in the machine whith Max and I
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Agree let others raise the alarm if your ok but arent in serious trouble. That's why I got an InReach to add to the PLB. Primarily to give a means of non emergency communication to avoid a callout in the situation I have to wait for a river to drop etc. Or i used it when I ended up with a scalpel in the thigh to get medical advise whether i should use the PLB.
I don't have one. Have spent two nights out unexpectedly over the years and it doesn't hurt you, just long boring nights. As for being injured, I always think your more likely to have a car crash on the way there. I think these news articles unintentionally emphasise the danger of it and make it sound worse than it is. But I make a point of not getting lost.
I have called the police and had a search and rescue operation for a friend of mine who got lost. He was out for two nights in winter. He was fine, mostly his trauma was mental. He told me a lot of what went on was between him and god. I said, you should learn how to read a fucking map and then you wont have to go to church.
This is 100% incorrect.Plb is for life and death only
The decision to activate a beacon is far more circumstantial than that black and white statement.
Someone reading that and taking it as gospel may make a very poorly considered decision one day on their own, or someone else’s behalf.
Not getting lost isn't going to help you when you are at the bottom of cliff with a massive flap of your scalp torn off and both your shoulders dislocated.
It would also be pretty bloody useful at the car crash you are more likely to have on the way to your hunting trip.
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter