JD I think you are being disingenuous. If you need me to clarify I addressed your opinion in that same quote, as well as stating it's not good advice. and if you didn't give advice, then what the hell was this?
[QUOTE]Stop falling off fucking cliffs./QUOTE]
In this post above and below Ive listed a number of silly things you have said. That's not saying you are silly. But equally Its not important if you are feeling insulted or offended at that. In the same way that you didn't care about the quality of you commentary too others.
Out of 19 participants in this thread, two have needed to push the PLB button due to serious injury. That's not insignificant. Even 2 out of the 3-400 people who regularly contribute is still significant. Carrying a PLB is no different too carrying a thermal blanket, or other survival/first aid equipment. Each has its use pertaining too certain actions or risks.
Ive used my blanket and lighter on one occasion. The Galatea faces mid august with snow and sleet when we couldnt find our way through the bluffs back to car by dark. Long cold night but not particularly risky because we recognised the situation early and stopped and built a shelter etc.
Ive used my first aid kit twice, specifically the Butterfly sutures when one guy cut his hand too the bone on the lid of a can, and another occasion when someone slipped and cut themselves with a knife.
Whether its those type of uses, or a major one of hypothermia or major injury that requires assistance from outside, its not about something as dismissive as anxiety or clumsiness. It's about rational common sense, and being prepared.