Sister lives in Queenstown.. often sends me photos of goats roaming the streets. Todays effort...
Sister lives in Queenstown.. often sends me photos of goats roaming the streets. Todays effort...
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Yeah, they are a major problem for the locals. I know some professional pest guys who often end up shooting them in the suburbs with suppressed .22s.
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
Haha. Damn right!
There are a number of small herds living on the outskirts of town which consistently make a nuisance of themselves. As Dama said they do get culled from time to time but their proximity to property definitely makes them hard to eliminate completely. As you can imagine, rolling up and shooting that goat in the photo is only going to result in a guest appearance before a judge... so the goats live on. The irony is there are very few left in places we can go shooting but you don't have to go far from home to see small mobs that you'd LIKE to shoot, but can't.
I do enjoy watching them though. The recent mating season during lockdown was extremely humorous.
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No, definitely not, otherwise they'd all have been shot by now!
Now if only it was a convertible with the top down.... thinking porche / ferrari / merc etc
Obviously fake news.
Jacinda has put all the out of work air hostesses into pest control and wilding pine control.
If this is actually a real picture I expect all those goats and pines will be gone by the end of the week because anytime I have flown those girls and guys have been super efficient at getting me a scotch on the rocks.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I almost hit one with the rental car when I was driving along the lake a few years ago.
I've seen small mobs beside/crossing the Glenorchy road a few times too, there are obviously plenty of them around.
Are we talking about goats or still air hostesses?
There used to always be a few on the road edge at the single lane bits on the way to Glenorchy. Seen cars written off cos the goats walk out onto the road just up from the meg, pig rooting on the road edge at the same spot, also on the road edge along the lake up from Clyde.
Last edited by kidmac42; 17-06-2020 at 10:12 PM. Reason: Pore spelings
The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '