Good words Stewart. Keep up the great work you are doing behind the scenes too, if not appreciated now we will all appreciate it when it comes to light.
Keep it as is, I don't mind paying for the H&W mag.
Ditch the mag & take the dollars off my subs.
Ditch the mag & invest those funds into other NZDA thingy's.
Good words Stewart. Keep up the great work you are doing behind the scenes too, if not appreciated now we will all appreciate it when it comes to light.
As always Stewart, well said - thank you.
Why do so many people over the years complain about the nzda......there must be reasons for it.
People complain about everything quite simply.
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I'm a pretty new hunter and joined the NZDA taupo branch about 3 years ago. Primarily to do the hunts course and to join up and meet some like minded people and learn from others. I don't come from a family of hunters so I need all the help I can get. I would love to be able to commit more time to the NZDA and hunting but I have two young boys and a busy job, unfortunately life is busy for everyone and the demands on time are huge. Once the kids get older I fully intend to get out more and introduce them to hunting and try to bring them along the journey with me.
I know the local branch here are struggling to get engagement to meetings and ideas to grow participation. They are doing a great job of organising fly in hunts in conjunction with DOC. I've been lucky enough to partake on a couple of these trips and loved them. I'm happy enough with the magazine, yes its not as well polished as NZhunter which I also love. but I don't really understand or take much note of the politics at the moment so cant comment on those. I do enjoy the articles on historical cartridges or firearms.
I agree with Stewart H and if you're not happy with something, stand up and make a change. I'm currently a reasonably silent subscriber to the NZDA but can see myself getting more involved in the future.
Same goes for all volunteer organisations I guess. But not all members can be on the committee as there are not enough slots.
My take on the nzda is its old school which is great you actually have to get off your ass & meet people on time & on the correct date , plenty of good C#@TS there willing to help you shoot some deer , o hang on possibly the odd working bee where they drink to much beeror get to go on sar missions in unimogs or Iroquois helicopters that I think about that its probably just easier sitting here reading & dreaming about it
5% total participation by club members
Reminds me why i seldom visit the forum these days......... sad to see this type of personal agression within the hunting community. Was pres for 5 years, if you have a problem step up and offer to support change....... no one does....... the world is full of keyboard worriors
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
I want to join the Auckland branch i guess im classed as a young fulla 30yr old, id be keen to get stuckin and help out where i can, but I'm also an apprentice builder and a father with a mortgage and the $200.00 odd joining range and yearly fees make it hard to justify. Pittance for some but That's 3 weekends away hunting for me.
I went to a meeting at south Auckland and pt chev each to check them out and was wholesaley ignored by all and it was definitely dad's army but i figure I need to crack the clique to be accepted and join in some hunts etc
Any way that's my two cents and nothing to do with the title of the topic ...
Send me an email, will get your membership sorted.
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