The latest article in the paper has the top of the south Forest and Bird boss stating rats are pouring out of the bush and local birds and bats face extinctions.
Its sad that people believe this BS . The richmond ranges and nelson Lakes rats are in huge numbers and pouring out of the bush shes stating. I hunt both, i still havnt seen one rat in the bush in both those places but clearly my eye sight is bad as i must be tripping over rats instead of old roots as it appears there are plaques of them lol.
They want both areas 1080 in a big way and are moaning about they missed the cut this year to be bombed by the green rain.
Forest and Bird are wan ers, 1080 doesnt solve the so called rat problem and 1080 will never get rid of rats .
Only for a short period then there will be a huge spike in numbers again.
Clearly theres no rat problem as bad as Forest and Bird is stating, but with them on the war path and the sheep in this country believing the BS that the pro 1080 media print i can see hunting in the top of the south sooner or later going to be stuffed . This area gets more than its fair share of the green rain over years.
All ive seen in the bush is reduced birds in 1080 bombed areas, the disapperance of all kea and the Fallow herd of the Cobb rooted.