Hang on to the PPU brass, its good stuff.
Hang on to the PPU brass, its good stuff.
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
@mimms2 Brilliant idea. I'd forgotten that the case is out of the die when seating the projectile. So I can loosen it off after putting the factory round in, put the bullet presser thingy in and screw down until it touches the projectile and then tighten it up1 Geez I'm a dumbarse sometimes! I suppose I could seat a 150 and 180 projectile in a case with no powder or primer and keep them with the Lee Loader as models for when I change the projectiles from 150-180. The old KISS method!
some of us decide seating depth that way ALL THE TIME....and have done for 30 plus years.
I place loaded round in shell holder and lift ram to top of stroke,then start screwing die in untill the handle twitches. the projectile will be touching at this point. this assumes you have already sorted all cases to correct length. and you are screwing in the top of die not die body itself....BUT when I seating the fencepost 170grn loads in 270 I have to back main body of die well out to make things fit.... they just too fat up front for normal methods LOL.
@Micky Duck It was so blindingly obvious it probably says something about my intelligence that I hadn't thought of it before!![]()
the day we stop learning,is the day we start to die.
One step closer to reloading for my 7.7mm Rimmed Creedmoor.....Scored some powder and some 180gr Sierra Pro Hunter projectiles.....
love that companies mission statement...Hodgdon is good stuff to use...and you have data online at fingertips. have fun and be careful....yes you can do both at same time.
@Micky Duck Will do. I haven't done any reloading for nearly 30-years. I'm quite excited to be getting back into it. I have used H4831 before in my old 270. I used IMR4895 in the 303 behind the Hornady 174gr RN
38.4grns fit in a 2.8CC spoon so your one will be fly shit under that....so ideal for the 150...and POSSIBLY just little too much for 180 so you could decrease slightly...a small piece of cardboard in bottom of cup will reduce volume..... scales would be ideal but that would be rough enough.... caution as per always.
Last edited by Micky Duck; 14-09-2021 at 06:14 PM.
I've got some Hornady scales coming this week![]()
@Arthur McBride That's certainly a pretty grunty load! Good accuracy though![]()
And.... another step! Picked up some primers today so I'm ready to go!