Sounds good, will take her.
Sounds good, will take her.
The big issue is that they don't tend to stay accurate. The bedding is so tenuous that the "tuning" drifts over time.
In the old NRA days of .303 shooting, the guys that won invariably had clever gunsmiths that could get them into tune. These days, TR shooters can buy damn near any second hand rifle and have a good chance if their skills are up to it.
i ike many would love a ruger single shot (No 1) in 303
Warm Barrels!
You are a very bad man. Fancy posting pic's of a rifle like that without prior warning. I fired a Remington rolling block in 50-90 IIRC and a Remington Hepburn in 38-55 many years ago which has left me with a weakness for nice old single shot rifles, or nice not so old single shot rifles. Every time I see one I have arguments with myself which go like this:
Gee thats a nice rifle.
What would you do with another rifle. You hardly use some of the ones you have?
But a (insert name of current rifle of interest here) would be good for (insert current fantasy uses here).
You get the idea. This can go on for a few hours until my tightwad tendancies triumph and nothing happens. One day perhaps.
Regards Grandpamac
Last edited by grandpamac; 31-05-2022 at 06:01 PM.
@grandpamac I'm genuinely sorry to have caused so much pain and torment
I will PM you with 24 hours notice before I drop any images of a single shot vintage rifle
@grandpamac I feel it only decent to warn you that the Remington #5 303 is now in my possession where it belongs
It has passed inspection this evening and after a decent bore cleaning in the morning and some hand loads being constructed it is likely to be fired and the results posted here
With graphic pictures
So you might want to look away for a few days or weeks
I'm not responcilble if you do peek
I am part of that extensive club as well. Contemporary reports on accuracy or The Riger No 1 in .303 varied between tack driver and poor accuracy which put me of rather. Hard to justify when you already have two No4's and a Martini in .30-40 Krag all of which shoot pretty well.
303 no4 mk2 at 100m
[/quote] Contemporary reports on accuracy or The Riger No 1 in .303 varied between tack driver and poor accuracy which put me of rather. .[/QUOTE]
Contemporary reports on people's ability to shoot vary between tack driver and poor
So I would hardly blame the rifle
very cool akaroa1
I read a great review of the Ruger No.1 .303 in NZ Guns magazine, it was throated for the long 220 gr projectiles. I guess your Remington will be too?
let us know how she shoots!
Well @rockland you don't see any shooting reviews on rifles like this
They very rarely for shot and even less hunted with
But I have been after one of these for a while
There were only ever 198 sporting rifle #5s made in a handful of calibers
It is thought that only 28 were ever made in 303 British
It looks like at least 5 are known to be in NZ
So that's a fairly high number of the original 28
And this will be shot and it will be hunted with
I expect it to be pretty effective
First up are some new old stock Norma 180 grain spire points