Once upon a time, in far off New Zealand they once had a great 'Outdoors'. Then despite all the best advice the world could offer them they embarked upon a program to drop from the air, on their forests and into their waterways, 86% of the Worlds annual production of a most potent pesticide/insecticide.
Graeme, sometimes they stand like this new foal in the pic and I think that some animals try to shadow themselves - could that contribute to seeing one when there's two?
and yes I know its a horse
Yes 308 that is exactly how a yearling or a large fawn stands in front of its mother and I expect that was exactly how it was standing at the time of the shot. I had then eyes that could spot a gnat at 100 paces and don't forget we were both looking through our scopes. At this stage of the game I was pretty intent on putting my .243 bullets through the animals shoulder so that is where the scope was centred.
I offer this as evidence of what I am trying to explain. A film we were shown at Commercial Flying School showed how the proper thinking processes can be distorted by Stress, Fear, Excitement, Panic and other things I have probably forgotten. One was the
"Friendship"?? that bounced off the top of a ridge on the top on top of the Ruahine's and kept flying. It is hard to believe that aircrew would allow themselves to become so distracted by a lesser problem that they allowed the aircraft to descend to such a level as to impact with the ground.
I wish I could remember the other example better but the gist of it was the aircraft had a serious problem. The pilot became that convinced that a particular unit on his console "Mixture Control"?? was to blame that he exerted so much strength he tore it right out.
Tunnel vision?? this instrument actually had no connection with the major problem that was effecting the aircraft. Interesting the pilot had exerted such superhuman strength it had been believed before that it was impossible to do.
Not very good examples I am afraid nor probably a very accurate memory after so long.
Perhaps a better example , and it has been recorded more than once, that a man with buck fever or seeing a lion has ejected a full five rounds, one at a time out of his magazine and swore he had fired the lot.
I think I know what you mean - I once met a woman that told me that she knew it was a mistake as she was walking down the aisle but in a weird way she didn't want to disappoint the guests and cause a fuss. That's probably not an isolated case
The pilot one is good - I've seen people rushing around like headless chooks cos they want to be seen to be DOING SOMETHING. Stress is a funny bugger.
Looking again at the horse pic I could well imagine a headshot on the young'un on the way to mum's shoulder
great photo 308
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Great thread. Picked up afew things I will use on the next trip out.
C'mon @mucko.......now your here you might as well share
Tell ya what ill share one to break the ice,
Earlier in the year when I first got my truck and was that excited to get out to my spot that I grabbed the first bolt out of the box without even looking at it. Getting all my gear out at the carpark, pull the bolt out and oh f**k.....the P14 bolt aint gunna fit up the rem700's arse![]()
I can soooo relate to that big foot![]()
If you had put it back in after cleaning you wouldn't have this problem.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.