Just got this from NZDA National
Ruahine WARO Decision
The Department has reached a mutual agreement with the two operators who primarily operate in the Ruahines to vary their NI WARO permits by returning it to the 2009 restrictions, i.e. WARO may occur only during the period from 1 May to 30 November inclusive.
In addition, where monitoring shows a need for targeted wild animal control in specified places of the Ruahines, the Department has committed to allowing these two operators the opportunity to undertake WARO activity in those specified places for specified (short-term) periods. This additional control, if required, will not extend into the current prohibited “helicopter-free” parts of the Ruahines.
A decision has now been made where the Department will seek to negotiate with the remaining three current NI WARO permit holders to vary their current permit to change the dates to where WARO may take place in the Ruahines to 1 May – 30 November, while should the Minister consider it necessary, allowing for short term WARO activity outside the restricted season at specific places and for specified times.
Any new applicants for NI WARO permits during the current term (expiring on 30 June 2018) will also be subject to the restricted season in the Ruahines.
The decision has been made in the context of the additional information provided (during the engagement process) whilst acknowledging there remain issues with regard to the residual deer population in the Ruahines that will be assessed through a monitoring programme.
The Department will put the decision and documentation on the website in due course, and will separately advise when the changes to the permits have been made.
Separate to this process, the Department is currently drawing up the terms of reference for the wider sector conversation with operators, processors, the guided hunting sector, the GAC and the recreational hunting sector to look at a more long-term sustainable future for management of wild animal recovery in New Zealand (on public conservation land). This will ensure all users’ needs are recognised and accommodated in a manner that is acceptable to all parties. This will provide a certainty of approach that can then be taken into the next permit review when the 2015 WARO permits expire in 2018.
Best wishes for the Xmas Season.
Mike Slater
Deputy Director-General Operations
Department of Conservation - Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation House | 18-32 Manners St, Wellington | PO Box 10-420, Wellington 6143
Conservation leadership for our nature Tākina te hī, Tiakina, te hā o te Āo Tūroa