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Thread: Shooting sticks advice

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Yep I will :-)

  2. #32
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    I strike that problem a lot hunting wallaby James. Both Brian and I use this solution which covers off pack versatility too. You can attach all sorts of packs, and carry big loads (or a small day pack). The frame has a rifle notch on the top. The bottom pic with the deer is using the small day pack and the deer under the meat shelf.

    Brian just bought the Frame and used clips to attach his old canvas meat bag. Works fine.


    Attachment 177422

    Attachment 177423

    Attachment 177424
    Yep stand the pack up and shoot off the top. Thats how I shoot all my deer. Thar is on to it
    When hunting think safety first

  3. #33
    Member Oldbloke's Avatar
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    A couple of lengths of wooden dowl and some cord. You can also use fibre glass tent poles with the Elastic so they fold up. Or just like old 2 piece tent poles.


    That knot is the beez neez

  4. #34
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    Cut a bicycle tube about 4 cm long. Roll it on itself. You will get some sort of rubber donut ring. You can slip it on one of the two poles to stop them banging against each other's.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    Four stable sticks, or their imported copies (Rudolph in Cambridge).

    The best 170$ you ll ever spend.
    To practice, get a 22 and start shooting hare, rabbits et possums of these.
    I took @Friwi advice..took delivery of them last week. Had a session with 22 in my bubble on lifestyle block. They felt strange at first but I quickly settled into them. I want them as a walking pole as well. In that respect they feel strong enough when locked together. I would like two changes to them. I don't see them as a quick deploy solution for a fast shot, more for a distant shot where you have time on undisturbed game, or your setting up to wait. So the first thing I can change myself which is to add a second velcro locking strap to make them more rigid as a walking stick. The second thing is to do with the first locking position when deployed. Its too high for me. Can't remember but there is probably a shorter option. Being 6ft I went with the tall one which may yet prove to be a good decision in the field. The issue is not the height when shooting, that is easily adjusted by extending the legs. I want to leave them in the first extended shooting position when I close them up as a walking stick..it works, but its about 15cm too high. So I'll probably drill another set of holes to change that.

    But I agree, like all kit, need heaps of practice so you just deploy them without thinking. Same as any gear really.
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    I know a lot but it seems less every day...

  6. #36
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    Dont laugh but a sketch easel like this is better than you might think and telescopes to tiny. Mine only weights 5or 600 grms https://www.warehousestationery.co.n.../W2648953.html

  7. #37
    MB is offline
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    Re: DIY quadsticks, covering them in cloth tape, either the camo stuff or sports/medical tape like Coban makes them much nicer to hold and quieter to deploy.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil_H View Post
    Damn, definitely not laughing @Moa Hunter.
    I didn't even realise something like this existed at that price point. I could put one of those to good use in multiple applications.
    How sturdy is it in your opinion? I can imagine a NV spotter on that.....what about a rifle?

    Hi Phil,

    Very sturdy in my opinion, artists dont want their canvas flapping around. For shooting it depends how far the centre is extended. If it has long legs the centre doesnt need extended far upwards. My one is not the model linked, that is just to give you the idea. Good thing is the legs have locking clips at the telescope junctions which are quick and silent.
    Havnt thought about it before but with a few pencils it could make a great cover for a poaching mission

  9. #39
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    That is a bargain Moa Hunter,we have a warehouse stationary in Timaru.Il have a look next week.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by flock View Post
    Made several sets out of garden stakes, the steel with plastic covering, 4 - 5mm nylock nuts and bolts. Can't photo as a Mate burrowed them and never gave them back.
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