Looks alittle quicker and easier then threading them through the handles
Looks alittle quicker and easier then threading them through the handles
Yep I will :-)
A couple of lengths of wooden dowl and some cord. You can also use fibre glass tent poles with the Elastic so they fold up. Or just like old 2 piece tent poles.
That knot is the beez neez
Cut a bicycle tube about 4 cm long. Roll it on itself. You will get some sort of rubber donut ring. You can slip it on one of the two poles to stop them banging against each other's.
Dont laugh but a sketch easel like this is better than you might think and telescopes to tiny. Mine only weights 5or 600 grms https://www.warehousestationery.co.n.../W2648953.html
Re: DIY quadsticks, covering them in cloth tape, either the camo stuff or sports/medical tape like Coban makes them much nicer to hold and quieter to deploy.
That is a bargain Moa Hunter,we have a warehouse stationary in Timaru.Il have a look next week.