Nice, mate I have spend days and days and days and bloody days chasing Sambar that have turned up on the trail cam. They can be an absolute nightmare to track down.
Next time you see hes in the area, just stop going to work until you get him on the deck!
Definitely worth putting on the wall those buggers
Keep us posted! Great effort
They are almost fully nocturnal once they sense any hunting pressure
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
They are famous for how far they can travel bro picked up a cast antler from a sambar in the Kimberly reserve around 20 years ago huge bases on it was completely white and partly covered in moss I believe someone shot one north of kohitere as well guess when it gets dark they like to wonder !
We have been trying to widen our search area by adding new cameras further afield and have turned up Biggie which was great but who knows how much further we need to go, time will tell. We haven't seen Biggies son since April /May so think that he may have been chased off, but hopefully we will catch him on a camera soon.
Nice work mate, definately an impressive animal, I personally know the bloke who posted on the other forum not long ago with his record book sambar and it amazes me the time and dedication he put into that one animal, its been a couple of years since he first got onto him but it finally paid off so I understand how all consuming it can be and hope you can follow suit!
Oh, and just so you all know, the stag im talking about was shot with a 270... Shock! horror!
Just thought I better put that in there....
Alex certainly put in a lot of time looking for a record book head. My father was with him when he shot it and he was certainly ecstatic to get it on the deck. I was up at the taxidermist Pete Livesey's on the weekend dropping off some heads to be mounted and had a good look at it, its looking bloody good and is going to look amazing on the wall.
The 270 may in fact be the best calibre in the world for Sambar or any other animal walking the planet...
Mooseman Re you not seeing one of the stags since April/May - this means nothing, its very unlikely he has been chased out of the area. The last record book head that my father and I had been chasing for the last 3 years only seemed to show up about April each year. Hence my comment about hitting it while he's in the area. They certainly travel a long way and it can be a long long time between sightings when chasing a particular animal.
It seems to be the larger mature stags that do the travelling. The younger stags turn up a lot more regularly on the cameras.
I was out this weekend and a younger stag was chasing a hind around trying to mount her so the first hinds are cycling. The rut should run for the next four-ish months. Now is the time to catch a big fella out.
Good luck!
Hes a good Bugger is Alex, have hunted chamois down here with him and his young fella Ollie, in fact hes down next week chasing the chams again and I was supposed to be going but unfortunately I will be laid up after knee surgery this friday. Was pretty cool when a txt shows up from him and I opened it and there he was with the big fella on the deck! Been listening to him talk about that animal heaps for so long so I was almost as stoked as him haha
We have had numerous smaller stags on the cameras over the last year with some really nice up and coming trophies in the next several years. The weekends are can't come around quick enough to get out there and see what the cameras have captured, plus while we are checking we have the chance of an encounter with either of them.
About 5 -6 weeks ago I to shot a malformed sambar stag and it was with a 270 as well. Personally I like my magnums but nothing wrong with standard calibers. My brother -in law has use 243's since about 1976 and has taken large numbers of game including a 206 DS sambar so those smaller calibers do work.
Nice one, just a young one ay, pretty munted set of antlers those.
What area are you? Wanganui or further north
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Bay of Plenty, I think it is good to get those malformed animals out of the area, don't want to many like him.
Nice, what Moultrie model are you using?
Not sure they are my brother in laws, they definitely do a good job, he has a few Bushnell's as well and they take better (Clearer) pic's and video