Went for a hunt today in a handy block of native havnt been in before. Had no idea if the bush was huntable or what may be in there. Soon found out it was good stalking bush, and soon came across some fresh marks of a couple of animals, including what looked like a stag.
No roaring or noise was going on and after i ran into some very thick bush i decided to head back the way ive come. It was more of a scouting trip, it was ok, but didnt expect to come back too soon so thought if i do see something i shoot it.
When heading back the way i came i heard a noise down below me that sounded like a animal coming. I got ready and was watching when 50 yards away a very big hind burst out of the bush and was heading straight for me.
Straight up its arse was a reasonable yearling in tow and slightly further back another animal was coming. No doubt with a wind change the deer had smelt me , but as i back tracked they were making there way out straight into my path.
I could of shot the first hind, the yearling was what i wanted when i saw that but then it came to me that the next animal is prob the stag so i waited The hind and yearling went left and sped up and the "stag"appeared.
I first thought it was a younger stag, but a stag none the least as it was reasonable large, i say a 80kg animal. Instead of just shooting it i waited to see its antlers as it was heading right for me i thought had plenty of time. Well, it didnt have any antlers at all! It still looked like a stag to me, but no antlers. I was so surprised the second or two delay it went left and took off.
I had a good view and it certainly didnt have antlers but didnt really look like a hind. In all the confusen i didnt maage to fire a shot![]()
It must of been a massive hind, i dont see that many real big hinds around in the local DOC blocks and this was the size of a average stag. No doubt the mark i still earlier was that.
I have heard if a fawn gets damage to its Royal jewels they can not ever grow antlers sometimes, not sure if this was the case here but it sure looked every park a stag apart fronm its head gear