Well Done any 8 point sika is a cracker.
Well Done any 8 point sika is a cracker.
No Rakaia bloodlines here in the Sounds :-))
The 1 in the Trail cam is as good as it gets - leaving him - so hope no one poaches it
@Sarvo buckshot or slugs? Looking at using a 870 marine over here on some private land
Since I change to the shotgun for Roar - my success rate has more than doubled.
I kick myself for not using it in Pureora back in the 80's.
All stags are sot inside 60m (most at 15-30).
No good for Alp-tussock-top roar hunting of course - just heavy bush hunting
Since you are a .223 man - still gets used when I am somewhere I shouldn't be heard :-)
Last edited by Sarvo; 17-04-2017 at 01:13 PM.
@Sarvo re; your sucsess rate. Is that because you found when you shot a stag it didnt go down so you lost it? What were you using before?
Yes and no
More the point that action happens in very close and very quick.
I use 223 - and that is an issue with deflect in the tight crap these chaps always seem to put themselves in.
It prob also a confidence thing - you point this shotgun and if you are no further than 40m - its all over for him.
Another plus is - I can hunt with my glasses on - my sight is very poor without - so before some1 bumps me over safety issue - it aids in identifying even without a scope
Got this guy yesterday in the Whirinaki. He was having a lie down in the middle of a clearing. I think he might have been a bit knackered from the roar. I was a bit knackered too after carrying 30+ kg of meat plus gear.
Stags still roaring hard here! Checked out a new spot this weekend. Saw a lot of deer. Looked over a fair few Stags and eventually took this one. Not the biggest or oldest seen but a good combo of both. Mate shot a real old grumpy 13 too.
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I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Hell he must have had a saw neck carrying that lot around![]()
Seriously I hate this thread. So jealous
Just got home from chasing sika around the kaimanawas.6 days of wet hunting.Got onto heap of animals and got a nice 8.
Repack and go again.![]()
Must be a small bivy camp :-)
Awesome head - well done - true hunting in adverse conditions too
Sure it will be on a wall soon