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Thread: Suppressors and water

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    Think I've read somewhere about co2 being introduced into the silencer to stop first round pop.
    Possibly a small amount if water in there would do a similar thing. Work like a cooling agent on the burning gases.
    Edit:Well it's been a while so not sure if this is it, but could well be

    Another device to separate gullible hunters from their cash. If you’re only going to fire one shot first round pop is irrelevant as the animal is hopefully dead aye. Personally I can’t say that I notice much difference between first and subsequent shots in actual hunting situation, I’ll try and pay more attention when I go out later this arvo. Have to say that unless you’re using subsonic ammo there’s always going to be supersonic ‘crack’ anyway.
    Micky Duck and flock like this.

  2. #17
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger 888 View Post
    When I was with the NZ Mountain Safety Council, we did some interesting tests with taped muzzles...result was that if the tape was stretched tightly over the muzzle, it sometimes changed the point of impact..if the tape was loosely fitted over the muzzle, it didn't. A condom placed so the closed end was slack over the muzzle (as in with your partner) held with a rubber band was most effective. And it's the column of compressed air being pushed up the barrel that severs the tape, NOT the projectile.
    And it's the column of compressed air being pushed up the barrel that severs the tape, NOT the projectile.

    True and a fair point - I was trying to say that with a 308, a bit of tape makes no difference IMO on point of impact but yes it is the column of air that severs the tape

  3. #18
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    so what about the frenchy???? surely it has enough expansion room to stretch for all that air so it would be projectile that breaks through....wont matter a hoot up close
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  4. #19
    AR7 is offline
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    HAHAA Interesting guys taking packets or rubbers into the bush hahaa
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    Think I've read somewhere about co2 being introduced into the silencer to stop first round pop.
    Possibly a small amount if water in there would do a similar thing. Work like a cooling agent on the burning gases.
    Edit:Well it's been a while so not sure if this is it, but could well be

    I am reading this thread and wondering if it is the fact that water is not a rigid material and that its movement / flexibile surface stops the sound waves in the same way a soft surface works in a recording studio......
    Micky Duck and Eat Meater like this.
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  6. #21
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    spreydon christcurch.
    this gives the old youthful adage of "gettin a shot away" a whole new meaning.Ive heard from assorted ex Vietnam vets some yanks used the old rubber over the m16muzzle trick in the wetter junglealtho it didnt seem to make much difference.the consensus was rifle maintainence was crucial for effective operation.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    I am reading this thread and wondering if it is the fact that water is not a rigid material and that its movement / flexibile surface stops the sound waves in the same way a soft surface works in a recording studio......
    I would suggest it would be much like water filled batwing bags and stonedust in u/g coal mines.
    It is picked up by the blast and puts out the flame of the explosion.
    And yip see little proper use for it in our circumstances unless really trying to prove a point

  8. #23
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    When the Saturn V rockets took off from the launch pad they spray water because it absorbs some of the energy of the rocket blast. Apparently without the water spray the launch pad would be wrecked.
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  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    Another device to separate gullible hunters from their cash. If you’re only going to fire one shot first round pop is irrelevant as the animal is hopefully dead aye. Personally I can’t say that I notice much difference between first and subsequent shots in actual hunting situation, I’ll try and pay more attention when I go out later this arvo. Have to say that unless you’re using subsonic ammo there’s always going to be supersonic ‘crack’ anyway.
    Well, went out this arvo after some goats in regen bush.Can't say I niticed any difference in sound level between 1'st shot and next five, i don't believe any of the 5 now diceased goats did either. On the drive home I got to thinking how 4 deer in vineyard on thursday night didn't seem to notice either. So I'll just put this first round pop thing down to something target shooters are noticing, got more important things to worry about like where the next animal is and trying to stay dry.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    Well, went out this arvo after some goats in regen bush.Can't say I niticed any difference in sound level between 1'st shot and next five, i don't believe any of the 5 now diceased goats did either. On the drive home I got to thinking how 4 deer in vineyard on thursday night didn't seem to notice either. So I'll just put this first round pop thing down to something target shooters are noticing, got more important things to worry about like where the next animal is and trying to stay dry.
    Probaly our ears are still recovering from the first shot too much to notice the follow ups....We are paying more attention to what is out in front of the barrel than what comes out of it....(or we should be?)
    Micky Duck and woods223 like this.
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  11. #26
    Member HarryMax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maddoghunter View Post
    Having recently done a week in Urewera where it rained every day I got to thinking about what effect some water in my suppressor would have.
    It’s a dpt so I was disassembling it every night and drying it out. Every night there was a small amount of water in every baffle.
    How is accuracy affected with larger amounts of water in them?
    I assume they’re still safe to fire?
    Tape over the end of my DPT and then an additional two loops of tape around the lower part of the suppressor (to replace if/when I shoot).

    Never had water in there.


  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    When the Saturn V rockets took off from the launch pad they spray water because it absorbs some of the energy of the rocket blast. Apparently without the water spray the launch pad would be wrecked.
    If you go view the takeoff of Elon Musk's recent rocket (which did not have any water cooling jets employed) you can see huge chunks of concrete bouncing around everywhere. Some bounced right up and hit hydraulic lines inside the motor, some hit some solid state motors, and so in only a minute or so the rocket failed. Apparently the craters gouged into the reinforced concrete by the rocket motors were meters deep
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  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Have always taped barrel in wet conditions and never noticed any POI change even the 222/223. I did read that it is the pressure in front of the bullet that pops the tape, but it doesn’t work the same on a suppressor as the gases fill the suppressor body and disperse more. That article recommended removing tape on suppressor before firing.
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  14. #29
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    I watched a vid on YouTube recently where they tested taping the absolute fuck out of their muzzle brakes and in slow-mo it showed the air infront of the bullet blow all the tape off the muzzle brakes and had no effect on POI

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    I tried it and found a small bit of tape was ok on my suppressor.




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