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Thread: A swede who wants to experience New Zealand hunting

  1. #16
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Slack,I was up early enough to make spot x at daylight for some reason.
    Up the hill or on the water?? Do any good??
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  2. #17
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    Up the hill or on the water?? Do any good??
    couldn't go anywhere, wife at work, now sleeping and Im trying unsuccessfully to keep the kids quiet.
    mikee likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  3. #18
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    If you end up heading up the north island mate PM me, more than welcome to come along, I hunt Tararua and Ruahinie range.

  4. #19
    Member wallin's Avatar
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    We got fallow, red deer and pigs so that is pretty much the same as you, but is seems like the big difference is the hunting methods used. Altough we also stalk them the major way to do it in sweden is by driven hunts with dogs and beaters.
    And of course we got the moose and the start of that hunt in the second week of october is probably the biggest event of the year where almost all hunters participate in larger and more organized hunts to able to shoot the quote every piece of land gets each year.
    Red fox and Roe deer are common prey too that we have in almost all of sweden and you are actually allowed to hunt a number of bobcats and bears but that is only in the northern regions of the country.

    In my case I find it very interesting to learn about other hunting cultures and with New Zealand being a popular destinition, especially by backpackers and people interested in nature and the outdoors, I think many hunters and fishermen come here to experience the amazing possilites that this land has to offer. And as subs say this has to be the best oppertunity to do so and so far I am amazed of how much helpful and friendly respone ive got in this thread in just a day.

    Username, subs and Karl200
    This sounds great! I will definitly contact you guys when I am in your area and hopefully we can do some hunting.
    Will keep in touch by PM.

    Thanks again for the response and if there is anything anyone want to know about swedish hunting, just ask!
    I'll do my very best to keep this thread alive and report any hunting I get to do.

  5. #20
    Member Bavarian_Hunter's Avatar
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    Sounds good mate, in a nice spot of the world, I'd love to take a nice roe one day, they're a beautiful deer. good stuff

  6. #21
    Member wallin's Avatar
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    Linköping, Sweden
    Yeah they are definetly nice but I would almost consider a good typical red deer to be even more beautiful. The heads those deer grow down here are incredible..

    If you ever happen to come by Sweden one day I am going to find a roebuck with your name on it! But looking at your avatar it seems like you only have to go back to germany to get an oppertunity to shoot a roe deer?

  7. #22
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    I understand in England that it is the roe hind season at present. Wallin, do you have split seasons for the deer genders as well?
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  8. #23
    Member Bavarian_Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wallin View Post
    Yeah they are definetly nice but I would almost consider a good typical red deer to be even more beautiful. The heads those deer grow down here are incredible..

    If you ever happen to come by Sweden one day I am going to find a roebuck with your name on it! But looking at your avatar it seems like you only have to go back to germany to get an oppertunity to shoot a roe deer?
    Me nah mate I'm born and bred Australian!

  9. #24
    Member username's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wallin View Post
    Yeah they are definetly nice but I would almost consider a good typical red deer to be even more beautiful. The heads those deer grow down here are incredible..

    If you ever happen to come by Sweden one day I am going to find a roebuck with your name on it! But looking at your avatar it seems like you only have to go back to germany to get an oppertunity to shoot a roe deer?
    Sako "Bavarian" is his pride and joy

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  10. #25
    Member wallin's Avatar
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    Yes we have. The hunt for roedeer starts with the buckpremiere on the 16th of august but then you are only allowed to shoot males by stalking or waiting for them at a clearing or so. Roe deer usually roar during august so if it is still on during the first couple of days you can often use a caller with great success.
    So spot and stalk bucks for 2 months and then at the first of october we can start to hunt them by drives with dogs and from that date you can also shoot fawns and females.
    This goes on until the last of january so the season just ended back home, good for me so I do not have to think about all the great driven hunts I am missing...

    Alright! With the name and a picture of a dog that looks really like some sort of spaniel or vorsteh I thought you had some german blood but nein then. What kind of breed is that dog by the way?

  11. #26
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Martin
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  12. #27
    Member Bavarian_Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wallin View Post
    Yes we have. The hunt for roedeer starts with the buckpremiere on the 16th of august but then you are only allowed to shoot males by stalking or waiting for them at a clearing or so. Roe deer usually roar during august so if it is still on during the first couple of days you can often use a caller with great success.
    So spot and stalk bucks for 2 months and then at the first of october we can start to hunt them by drives with dogs and from that date you can also shoot fawns and females.
    This goes on until the last of january so the season just ended back home, good for me so I do not have to think about all the great driven hunts I am missing...

    Alright! With the name and a picture of a dog that looks really like some sort of spaniel or vorsteh I thought you had some german blood but nein then. What kind of breed is that dog by the way?
    As username said, my Sako Bavarian is my mistress that the missus doesn't know about (literally doesn't know I have it). Ellie is my German Shorthaired Pointer, only 4 months old now but hopefully one day a deer hunting companion for me. Ever want to hunt in Aus just let me know mate, always happy to help someone looking at coming from abroad.

  13. #28
    Member wallin's Avatar
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    Alright then I get it!
    Both a beautiful rifle and dog you got there and I am sure she will be great for hunting.

  14. #29
    Member wallin's Avatar
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    Now there is a huntingrapport on the magazine-part of this forum where you guys can read about the a huntingtrip I did with Vietnamcam on sunday
    veitnamcam likes this.

  15. #30
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    I'm off to Sweden and Norway in a couple of week, and need some advice on animals. I've sent you a PM

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